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Upon hearing the news about the temple, Anakin flew back at once, leaving Rex in charge of proceedings at Cato Nemoidia. Ahsoka had called him to tell him what had happened, and seeing her in tears has set off an alarm in his head.

Master Yoda had now summoned the two to the Council chambers, the day after the bomb.

"What can we do to help, Master?" Ahsoka asked the green Jedi Grandmaster, who sat upon his council chair.
"Lead this investigation, Skywalker will."
"The major concern is that whoever did this must have both knowledge of the situation of the war, and of the design and details of the temple." Master Windu added.
"What are you suggesting?" Anakin asked, glaring at Master Windu.
"An inside job, this may be. Pulled this off, a Jedi may have." Yoda replied, frowning.
"Good luck on your investigation. And may the Force be with you." Windu finished, bowing as the master and apprentice left the room.

* * *

The aftermath of the bombing had not been kind to Nathan. The loss of his master had been a tragic one, and losing a loved one was not something he was used to. Now days after the attack on the Temple, and with Skywalker and Ahsoka gone on their investigation, Nathan found himself alone, often. He felt like an outcast, almost, without the support of his master.

Nathan was in a deep meditation once more, and he suddenly felt a disturbance in the Force. He shivered, unsure of what it could be. He reached out into the Force, trying to sense it further.

"I gutted your Master where he stood, as you watched helplessly. How did that make you feel, Obi-Wan?" The voice was faint, but by what he was saying, Nathan assumed it was Maul. The clashing of lightsabers screeched in the background.

Nathan opened his eyes. The thought of someone killing his Master was bad enough. But being proud of killing a Master, like Maul was? That didn't sit right with Nathan at all. He got up and left his room, heading for the chambers.

Once there, he knocked once, and then walked in straight away, without waiting for a response. Yoda, Ki Adi Mundi and Mace Windu were all inside.

"Masters," Nathan started, "I have sensed something through the Force."
All three Masters looked towards the padawan, both in annoyance and confusion.
"Young Tynan, we are trying to-"
"Maul is on Mandalore, he's trying to overthrow it, and Master Kenobi is in danger." He rushed, not allowing Windu to cut him off.
"Hmm," Yoda hummed, in deep thought. "And concern you, how does this?"

Nathan was shocked. He thought he would be helping the Jedi by explaining what was happening. Instead, he was being pushed away?

"Padawan Tynan, Mandalore is no ally of ours. Invading their planet to fight the Seperatists would break treaties, made decades ago." Ki Adi Mundi cautioned.
"But Master Kenobi is in trouble!" Nathan raised his voice, glaring at all three of the masters. "And for as long as you all sit here, doing nothing, not even helping with the investigation, the bomber is getting away with it!"
"Silence, Padawan." Master Windu ordered, hushing Nathan.
"What do you suggest, Nathan?" Ki Adi Mundi said calmly.
"I want to help, in any way I can. This war is close to ending, and finding the bomber may go a long way." Nathan said quietly.
"Your mind is far too conflicted to help with the bombing case, Padawan." Master Windu said, and Nathan shot him a similar look to the one he had on Dooku.
"The loss of your master was a tragic one, of course, but the role of a Jedi is to overcome attachments and carry out their duty."

These words sent a dagger through Nathan's heart. The realisation that Shaak Ti was truly gone had now sunk in.

"Then let me help Master Kenobi. I can do that." Nathan said, and the three masters went quiet in thought.
"Permission granted. Once Master Kenobi arrives back on Coruscant, we will alert him with the news that you are helping him. But please be mindful of your emotions and thoughts. They betray you, young padawan." Windu finished, as Nathan bowed and left the chamber.

So Nathan was going to help Kenobi fight Maul. He was both anxious and scared, but he needed to help somehow. The Jedi were somewhat correct, Nathan was too desperate to find the bomber, that he would be less helpful, and too rash in his attempts.

That evening, Nathan found himself meditating once more, trying to hone his connection to the Force once more. He figured he would need to, in order to be a help to Kenobi.

There was a sharp knock on the door.

"Come in." Nathan said, and open the door was.

"Nathan, they've taken Ahsoka into custody."

Nathan spun round to see Anakin, with a look on his face which said it all.

"Who has?"

"Tarkin has. There is footage of Ahsoka, choking one of the suspects in the prison cell, and now she's been locked up."
Nathan couldn't speak. He looked up at the Jedi Knight.

"This is a Jedi incident. Why is the military forces of the Senate getting involved?" He asked calmly, trying not to lose his temper.

"I don't know, but I need your help."

Nathan pondered, remembering what the Council told him about his thoughts.

"I'm coming." He said coldly, as Anakin and Nathan both left his quarters, both filled with outrage at the idea that Ahsoka could ever try something like that. She wouldn't. She couldn't.

But Anakin and Nathan were going to find whoever did this, and make sure they paid.

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