Versus Miami - Part 2

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(Ryans POV)

I had sent a message to the others, telling them to meet me at our house. Veracity said she was busy and we'd have to fill her in later, Dakota said she'd be there after breakfast wit her sister, Spyder and Harris were on there way. I sat on my bed waiting while Mark walked into the room on the phone with someone. 

"He it's okay, I'll still pick you up tonight okay?" Mark said. "We'll talk more tonight, okay? Okay see you later."

"Georgia?" I asked after he hung up.

"Yeah." He said sitting down on the other side of the bed. "You called the others?"

"Yeah I did, everyone but Veracity is on their way. She's busy and said she'd get back to us." I said putting my phone down. "I don't know if it's fully sunk in yet, but it's definitely going to when I have to tell D."

"No kidding." Mark sighed.

"I'm you know I wasn't kidding with I said down there, she really did give up going back to her old, absolutely amazing life, to be here with me, now I'm essentially abandoning her." I said just before we heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?"

"You two better be pranking us with that sign in the front yard." Spyder said as he and Harris walked through my door closing it behind them.

"Unfortunately, no." I said. "Moms moving us to Miami."

"Miami?" He asked. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know, I mean how are we gonna fight monsters from Miami." I continued.

"We can't, the team needs to be together." Harris says. "Theres no other way around this Ryan, if you move Mech-X4 will basically be useless."

"What about Dakota?" Mark asked.

"What about her?" Harris asked in response. "Do we need to bring up what happened last time?"

"No we don't, but long story short, when we were, you know being held hostage on my parents farm, Leo told he might be able to get her powers back." I explained. "He's still researching it to make sure it's safe, but if all else fails, she might be able to pilot the robot again. I don't want to get to that point though."

"Yeah none of us do." Spyder says, "have you told her yet though?" I shook my head.

"She's on her way over though." I answered. "In the mean time, I think I know what we have to do."

"Wreck her audition?" Mark finished.

"What other choice do we have?" I asked while Harris phone vibrated in his pocket. 

"Veracity says that authorities have cleared out the institute." He says. "We should go."

"Which will leave you two, to wreck your moms career." Spyder laughed, "up top!" Neither of us actually high-fived him back though.


(Dakotas POV)

My heart practically stopped after me and Kendall got home and saw that sign in their front yard. Kendall and I shared the same panicked look before I ran from our car in the driveway across both of our yards quickly knocking on the front door. I was honestly kind of surprised when Harris and Spyder answered the door. They both gave me sympathetic smile after seeing the panicked look on my face. 

"They're up in Ryans room." Harris said moving out of the way of the door.

"Thanks." I said running through the door rounding the corner to the stairs. "Talk to you two later." I passed Grace folding laundry upstairs. "Nice to see you Grace." I said quickly while I passed her. His door was half open, thought for two seconds about knocking but I basically walked in like I owned the place and he did invite me over.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now