Chapter 3

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I woke up still not fully understading the dream I had. I don't undersant what was that why would I dream about her. I got up feeling dizzy but I went in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and putting my hair back so I could wash my face. It was 7:00 class starts at 8 I apply some light makeup to my face my small headache passed as I was puting lipbalm. I didn't have to worry about my outfit since we are all dressed the same. I had fencing class this morning so I tied my hair in a tight braid. While getting ready I was thinking about yesterday, I won't give her updates on my life anymore. When I arrived at this school I thought my biggest problem would have been students or making friends but her never. My principal she was supose to back me since I was new and vunerable to this new enviroment. What was I suppose to tell her now? Miss Weems I do have a problem and it's you an your arogant attitude. I did not do a single thing for her to dislike me. I should become worst and not attend my class and be diserespectfull but she doesn't even derseve to reproach me. Knock knock. Please no it's 7:45 my day didn't even started. I went to open the door and luckly it was only Enid.
-Hey there I was wondering tomorow is saturday want to go shopping?
-Of course we'll have a lot of fun but we are allowed to leave on the week-end?
-Yep some of us even have a job. She said
-Not me I'm way too busy writting, you know.
-Yeah, I think I'll get a job.
-Really I see you as a barista.
-Yeah me too is there a cafe downtown?
-Yeah I'll give you another tour if you want.
-Tour with you are always fun.
-Good see you tomorow then! She said. I want a job to earn extra money and to have something to do on my free time. Now fencing class. I grapped my bag and went downstairs. I arrived at my class and to my suprise she was there again always there. I ignored her but as she walked by me she whispered in my ear.
-See you after class.
-Actually no I decided that our little session won't be necessary anymore. I said codly.
-It wasn't a choice and do not be late. Have a nice class. She can't I have rights to decide if I want to see her or not. She seemed mad well she does most of the time I am in the same room as her but mad that about our session and me not wanting to attend them anymore. I thought she would've understand. But she doesn't quite get it I suppose.
-This is your first class of fencing. All of you were here last year with some exception. He said smilling at me. So you can start praticing. He walked towards me.
-Hello miss Ln.
-Morning sir.
-Do you know about fencing? He said going straight to his point.
-Yes. I said.
-Good get a equipement and go train. Time passed so quickly I was suprise to hear the bell ring. 2 more period to go then metting with the devil herself. I wish the day was longer. I went to my room sweaty. Luch break after fencing and archery are the best because I can take a shower. That's it I am so done. She is testing my patience. I hate her and she knows it.
-Why everytime I go somewhere you are always in my way?
-Young lady you better apoligize and fast.
-I'm sorr-
-What was that?
-I am sorry. I said loudly but not in a arrongant voice.
-That's better, I am here to tell you that every friday the teachers and I check the dorm.
-Well I don't do drugs so you'll be wasting your time. I said passing by her side on my way to my room. I felt her hand on my shoulder.
-Does not matter.
-Well then make yourself confortable! I said sarcasticly smilling.
-Oh I will. She return the same energy. She put a feet in my room and turned around.
-It is better to tell me now than too late.
-For what. I said without a clue.
-For things in your room like drugs or alchool. Yeah obvioulsy what else what was I thinking? She continue and made her way in my room to sit on my bed. To then lift my covers and undo my whole bed.
-Going to take a nap?
-No, just checking your room is very clean by the way it's rare that students make their bed.
-Well yes my room was clean until you messed up. She stand up way too quickly for my brain to procede it.
-Change your tone and it's the last time I'm telling you ever again. Got it?
-Yes who.
-Yes principal Weems.
-You see when you want to help yourself. She then went in the bathroom. Open drawers saw makeup,
cream and then turned to me raising her eyebrows. I rushed to see what she found and at the bottom was a cable.
-What is that charging. She said curious for my answer.
-My speaker.
-Oh. She sounded disapointed. She putted it back she got out I followed every of her step I became anxious for no reason. She pointed my point shoes.
-You do ballet? I noded.
-Use your words.
-Yes I do.
-Show me.
-No. I only dance in front of people that I trust otherwise I become anxious and can't do anything right and make a total fool out of myself. I said looking down remembering the last time.
-That's too bad. Ohh desk drawer my favorite. She opened the first drawr to see some pencil and a notebook. She closed it then she arrived at the botom one she opened it slowly like a spider would jump out. Maybe a mouse tho. She picked up the drawing Xavier made me.
-Who did that?
-Not me.
-I know but who.
-Oh Xavier on my first day.
-You really fell for that?
-What if I did? Why would you care I don't think there's a rule for couple?
-You're too soft he'll break your heart. She mubbled.
-Who are you to tell me that. And beside he's just a friend it was just a nice gesture that he did. I tend to be more attracted to the people that are nice to me you see? She rolled her eyes. Yeah that's what I thought.
-Ohh the price of salt. Now I get it why he's just a friend if he's so nice and kind.
-Hey that's none of your buisness put that back. I do not like girls.
-You sure do. She went to my dresser and sighed.
-I think I saw enough.
-Me too now excuse me I have things to do. I closed the door and cleaned my room quickly and went take a shower. I got out freezing I dried myself and putted my uniform back. I now had english. I went to my class and sit down the time was long the minutes where slow. An hour later the bell rang. I went outside with Xavier to talk about everything and nothing at the same. I saw her standing in her office looking at me but I knew she did not saw me glancing at her.
-Xavier hug me now okay.
-Shut up Yn. He said laughing.
-No please right now. I need to make someone mad please.
-Should've told me earlier. He got down and picked up a flower to put it in my hair and then hugged me like he was inlove with me.
-More or less? He asked.
-More. He broked the hug to give me a kiss on my cheek.
-Go to your class now I'll see you later pretty girl. I smiled back he got it he so nice. I went to my last class I had archery with Enid and Ajax. Nice class the finish the day.
-Hey Ajax where's Enid?
-Talking with Miss. Weems I think.
-For what?
-I think about you actually, you see they're both close she write about the school and miss.Weems edits it to make it let's appropriated. Because Enid's is you know her well um realistic?
-Yeah I see. But what are they saying over me?
-I don't know go check. I walked up to them.
-Talking about the wolf. Enid said laughing.
-What is going on Ajax told m-
-What did he say?
-Something about you miss Weems and the journal and me? What is going on?
-Yes so um the journal and you yes .. the students wanted to know if you um you know you..
-Enid truth now.
-Don't get mad I saw you and Xavier talking and more anyways I wanted to surprise you guys with a cute date.
-First of all why would you tell Miss.Weems about that and second of all it's nothing like that we are friends.
-It didn't look Yn. Said Enid.
-Listen Enid I know you like this whole gossiping but it's fuck up get help if your life is so boring that you have to talk about others than you should just keep your mouth shut because this is not right I thought you were my friend and you see me hugging one guy who is my friend and you go start a rumor about us.
-Yn this isn't like tha-. Her eyes were tearing up.
-It's not like what look at you you're so bored you told the godamn principal about this whole stuff that YOU made up this is messed up. And with that I just walked away I shouldn't have said that I was so mean I wish I could go back and apoligize but I meant it it was the truth. I didn't say a word to Enid for the rest of the class. I was so mad at her at me why in the first place I wanted Principal Weems mad. She already knew I liked girls she saw the book but I just wanted to prove her that she was wrong but she's not she's right I'm not. Maybe I am the problem she's mean to me because I keep doing the same things over and over that I am not supposed to. I don't know what to think I am lost in my own head I don't see an exit. I just lost Enid because I got mad that she reacted at something I did. And the worst is Principal Weems I don't want her to hate me. I want her to be proud of me. I am the only normie here yet I feel so weird. I am tired I need to talk but I have nobody. Enid is gone by my fault and I don't want to go to Principal Weems to cry about my problems that I made my own self I would look so stupid. But I have to go to Weems anyways. I should go now then it'll be done. I started writting in my notebook everything I thought of for an hour I was tired but I had to go in her office I don't want any more trouble from now on. I shove a water bottle in my bag and my notebook some painkiller and my phone. As I walked the distance between her office and my dorm I was shaking like a leaf in the wind. I knocked.
-Come in. I open the door and closed it without making a sound. I thought you would've stay in your room.
-Me too.
-I would like to ask how your day was but I think I have an idea mhm? I looked at her my leg was shaking it never happened before. She seemed happy like she thought I deserved it. I did Enid was so nice and I was so mean to her.
-I'm sorry. I said the last letter of my short sentence was so high it was sure she heard my voice cracked. My eyes are becoming heavy and watery. I don't want to cry I can't not here.
-For what? She said, for the first time she looked at me concern. I just swallow if I said another word I was going to cry and not a bit but too much. It was so cold in her office I wasn't able to look at her. I was playing with my hands like a shy kid.
-Yn. She spoke softly. Yn look at me. I did as she told me she saw my color water eyes I knew she knew we both knew I was not alright. This whole day really fucked me up.
-My dear? You can talk to me about anything really. What was I suppose to say? I wanted her to hug me to take me in her arms and told me I would be alright. But I didn't want her to see me this vunerable so I swallow my tears back and said.
-Yeah I'm fine just tired. I'll go in my room. I grabed my bag so fast and was out of the room in less than 5 seconds. I was in my room in security I was free to cry but I didn't wanted to anymore I was so furious what is my problem I messed up I should've told her.

Principal Weems P.O.V.

She left so fast her notebook fell of her bag. She was already out when I picked up. I feel bad for her I was so rough on her that she got mad at Enid for nothing. Well nothing.. why would she hug Xavier in the first place if she likes girls?  Poor darling she seem so stressed I should tell her I'm sorry for the way I treated her she didn't deserved it. If I knew I would've been nicer to her what if she sad because of how I treated her I told her she could come anytime see me. I'm sure she thinks I hate her. I'll go give her notebook back.

Back to Yn P.O.V.

I needed some time to find myself I saw my point shoes on the floor I was already dress in yoga pants with a long sleeve top. It was freezing cold I putted some legwarmers and then my shoes. I grapped my airpods and blasted music so loudly my eardrums would probably bleed after. Spinning spin after spin relever and more. All of a sudent I felt eyes on me but I continued I wanted to see how far I could get without panicking. I finished one my right foot and my left leg higher than my head. The music was done. Applause. No someone was there not just looking at me through the window. I turned around breathless.
-What are you doing in here?
-You are truly amazing it must've taken years of pratice?
-Yes so why are you here?
-You dropped that I wanted to give it back. She said handing me my notebook.
-Did you read it?
-No. Not a page.
-How could I trust you.
-You don't have to.
-Okay whatever can you leave and never come back in my room without knocking please I could've been changing.
-You're right I apoligize but when I knock you didn't heard me so I didn't thought you were there. Um can I sit I would like to talk to you.
-Yeah. I sat on my bed leaving her somewhere to sit.
-Yn I am sorry for the way I acted towards you and for how I made you feel.
-It's oka-
-It's not I really am sorry. She said placing her hand over mine. Her skin is hot I am cold I wish she could take both of my hands to warm then up.
-I told you you could come see me and talk about everything and then I was very stricted and mean with you I shouldn't have. You seem so stress and anxious and I feel like I did that. Did I?
-No. You didn't and I am stressed because it's a new school and I just lost the only friend that I had.
-You still have Xavier.
-No it's not the same. I need both not just one. I just feel so alone I am in a school full of people but I'm lonely and scared I don't know what to do. A single tear fell from my left eye I tried to turn my head but she cupped my face with her right hand.
-Yn I know a great psycologic and I think you have a lot of stress due to school and you could really use some help.
-I hate talking about my problems.
-But you talked to me.
-You're not a stranger. With that said she smiled and got up.
-I could take you tomorow she's a friend of mine and if you don't like it then you don't have to return. Does that sounds good?
-Yes I could try.
-Perfect then good night Yn. I got up and smiled at her I think she seems so much nicer and caring I wish she would've been like that since the begining. I want to hug her and cry in her arms but I can't I look stupid. She grabed my hand.
-Go to sleep you'll feel better.
-Yeah you're right I need a lot of sleep right now. I said smiling. She was about to close the door when I call her last name.
-Yes dear?
-Thank you a lot.
-Don't thank me it's the least I can do. Those were the last words she told me before I went to sleep. I could've played this moment on replay for hours.

(3301 words)

My biggest chapter yet! I hope you'll like it!!<33

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