Chapter 13

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I did not even close an eye the whole night I did fell asleep but woke up an hour after. What have I done? We had a good relation ship and I wanted more.  I knew that there was something between us and she didn't want to admit it so I made the move but I shouldn't have. I don't want to talk to her well I do just to apoligize and tell her to forget about that. The whole day will be long. I still had to go to her office after class but otherwise I decided to ignore her. I had archery at my first period. I got up thinking about how good her lips felt against mine. Would it ever happen again? She was my principal and reminded me always of that detail. But we did sleep together and had a really closer relationship to only be friends. I went over in my bathroom and washed my face with cold water. I looked dead like a vampire who hasn't see the light in over 100 years and hasn't sleep for the same amount of years. I rarely wear concealer but today it is a most. I put on a lot of makeup but it was still natural. I put my uniform on and left my dorm. I walked downstairs and saw her and miss Thornill talked.
-Oh Yn come here! Miss Thornill said waving at me. Fuck I did not want to see Larissa.
-So Yn what did you do this week-end.
-Nothing much. I said looking at my feet.
-How is that? We had 4 days off.
-Is that a hickey? She said pointing at my neck.
-What? No I burned myself curling my hair.
-It doesn't look like a burn. So tell us who is the lucky one. Larissa looked at me.
-Who is it? Larissa said in a calm tone.
-A girl I met.
-Oh what's her name? I looked quickly at my principal.
-Her name's Amanda. I said smiling.
-That's sweet. She most be very pretty. She said.
-Yes and caring. Anyway I have to get to class. I said.
-Do not be late. Larissa said to me.
-Oh never miss Weems. I said walking away. That was so embarrassing.I went outside to my class. Enid and Ajax were together and kissing. I stayed alone and wait for the class to begin I took an bow and started praticing. I had about 20 classes of archery and never even touched the target once. I saw my teacher came.
-You are gettin better, your arrow is near the target.
-But not on it. I replied.
-Aim higher. I did as he told me. I shoot. It touch the target.
-There you go always aim higher. He said. I just smiled back. For an hour I practised and now every shot was on the target. Thanks to him, otherwise I would've failed his class. Archery starts being more fun now that I was better. The class was finished and me and Enid stayed outside for a while. We talked about our week-end. She told me that her and Ajax slept in the woods in a tent. They went to an amusement park and so more. When she asked about mine I told her I went away to my mom's. It wasn't true but I couldn't tell her what really happened. So I lied I felt bad for lying to Enid but it was the only way. I went back to my dorm to grab my stuff for my next class. I closed the door and started thinking about her. She was on my mind every minute her, her hair, her soft lips, the way she cared, her height, her face, her body. She was so perfect I wanted her so bad but she was my principal. But I'm an adult. It was so complicated. If only she would see me as I see her. Maybe she does, I often think she does. She only act that way with me. She was so hard to read. I took my books and pencil case and headed downstairs for my second class. I arrived and my french greated me with a warm smile. As I sat down I saw Miss Weems walking in the class. I lowered my head and act like I was writting. I started writting about something our teacher talked about. I looked up she wasn't there anymore. I started drawing random little drawings.
-So that's what you are doing in your french class, drawing? A voice said behind me. I didn't even bother turning around I knew it was her.
-You could have a detention for that.
-With who? I asked.
-Me. I turned around and sigh. I stopped drawing and put my pen down.
-Why are you here?
-Just checking, I have to inspect classes to see if students are behaving and doing their job.
-Each class?
-No just one by subject.
-Is this your last one?
-No my last one is with Thornill. That's why I was talking to her earlier.
-Oh ok. I said.
-Excusez moi. Today we have compagny of your principal so be good, d'accord? Every students noded. She took place in the back.
-Nous allons apprendre le genre des noms communs. (We are going to learn the gender of commun name)
-Table? Yn?
-Avion? Enid raised her hand.
-It's masculin and a commun mistake like trempoline but both are masculine in the french dictionary.
-Very good. I smiled Enid rolled her eyes at me.
-Now place yourslef in teams of two. Do the pages 162 to 172 it seems a lot but it's quite easy. She said.
-Hey Yn want to be with me? A boy asked me.
-En francais!
-Toi veux equipe moi?
-Non. Enid tu viens? He walked away.
-Pourquoi tu etre si bonne?
-Es et je lis beaucoup en francais. We worked on the ten pages really fast. I was really good at this plus it was easy.
-Merci, you have done everything. She said with a french accent.
-My pleasure. I said laughing.
-You are the best student in french in the whole school miss Ln. Miss Weems said to me.
-I know.
-You're supposed to say thank you.
-Thank you. I respond.
-It's true she is the best. My french teacher said to Larissa.
-My dad was french and I read a lot.
-Oh really! My teacher said.
-Yes but he passed when I was a baby so my mom make sure I still learned french.
-That must have been hard. She said. I looked at my teacher.
-No not really my mom is amazing I never felt like something was missing.
-I'm so sorry Yn. Enid said.
-It's not that big of a deal. The bell rang.
-Oh I have botanic.
-See you tomorrow then. I said smiling at her.
-We'll see each other in your last class. Larissa said.
-Yes see you then. I said, our interaction were so weird and awkward after what I did yesterday. I wish I could take it back, but at the same I don't want to. If only she would've said stay. Everything would have been different. Nothing happens for nothing. I went outside to catch some air, I felt like like my lungs were closing on themself. I wanted to cry I felt so stupid. I tried to put myself together and went early to my class.
-Yn you're early. Miss Thornill said.
-Yeah I had nothing to do.
-Well you're always welcome.
-Thanks. I went to my place and started writting in my notebook and study. I didn't have an exam but I loved being the best in every classes, except archery.
-Today we're learning about-
-Plants? I said joking.
-Yes but mostly edible plants and flower.
-Oh that's sound good. If I get lost in the woods I'll know what to eat.
-Yes! I started reading about it so I could have an idea what the class will be about. Like that I would be ahead of the others and impress Larissa.
-Next year you could be a teacher here. Miss Thornill said to me.
-I would really like that.
-Which class would you want to teach?
-French or botanic.
-How come?
-I'm the best of the school in french and botanic is really something I enjoy.
-Well I'm glad to hear that.
-Well you are a good teacher your classes are always so intersting. Larissa walked in.
-Thank you Yn it means a lot to me.
-What are the two of you talking about? Larissa asked.
-That I could be a teacher here and teach botanic. I told her.
-I do not think you have the capacities. She said dryly.
-Why is that?
-Well first of all I'm the one who decide who's working here and you're too young.
-Young but the smarter.
-It's true she is the best of the class. I looked at her proudly.
-You really want to teach here? Larissa said looking at me.
-The students are quite something.
-So what?
-We need teachers that are able to maintain calm and respect.
-I am able to do that.
-Anyways it's not for tomorrow. She said looking at me up and down. She looked mad like she wanted something from me. Students started comming in the class and taking places.
-Someone knows where is Xavier? Yn?
-I have not seen him.
-Weird. Ok then let's start. Larissa sat next to me since it was the only spot left.
-Oh and we have also miss Weems checking in. You may have seen her in some of your classes today. Everybody turned around she smiled.
-So open your textbook at the page 48. Everybody open to the right page, me on the other hand was already there.
-So today we'll talk about edible flowers.
-We could talk about other edible things. Ajax said. The wole class started laughing.
-Ajax please do not forget your principal is in the class. He turned around and made an eye contact with her.
-I meant fruit and vegetable. The whole class bursted laughing again.
-Now now let's settle down. Miss Thornill said.
-So if you ever get lost in the wood. She winked at me. You might need to listen.
-What was that about? Larissa whispered in my ear. She sounded angry.
-Nothing. I continued writting.
-So those flowers are edible mostly because of..
-Their necter. I said.
-Very well Yn. Now are those mushrooms are good?
-Well those no. Ajax said.
-Ajax! We are talking about food, yes Yn?
-They are because there is a lot around. Poisonous mushrooms are often alone.
-That is correct.
-If I get lost in the wood Yn you better be with me. Bianca said looking at me. I laughed.
-Now read the pages about the plants, flowers and mushrooms. I started reading as the other were talking.
-You're such a teacher's pet. Always listening to them and being the brightest.
-No I'm more like a principal's pet. I said warmly smiling without looking at her.
-Yeah I saw that yesterday. She said looking at me as I swallowed. I looked away as I put my hand on the back of my neck.
-You didn't seem embarrassed when you kissed me. She whispered in my ear.
-I have to read now if you'll excuse me. I said looking down at my book. I saw her looking around to see nobody was looking at us and slowly put her hand on my thigh and started tracing circles on it. What was she doing. I pushed her hand.
-I have to read.
-Go on then. She said replacing her hand on my leg.
-Without distraction..
-Oh I'm a distraction? She said teasing. I got up to go ask a question.
-I just had a question.
-Go on.
-So if I'm understanding that blue flowers is almost the same as this one but one of them is deadly?
-How do I difference them?
-I didn't thought someone would've ask. But you see the petals? I noded.
-The deadly has those small dark dots.
-Oh well thank you miss. I got back at my place. I was done reading and already have done the excercies. I took my phone and started texting Xavier. Where u at?
-No cellphone.
-I'm done.
-Still you could have a detention for that. I rolled my eyes.
-For rolling your eyes too. Miss Thornill came to me.
-Have you texted Xavier?
-Yes but principal Weems says I'm not supposed to have my phone.
-But you're done?
-Yes I know.
-Well if miss Weems you can't then you can't but keep me update. She said walking away. The bell rang.
-I'll be waiting for you at my office.
-Ok. Things were different. I went in my dorm to take a shower. I dryed my hair and put on black shirt with leggins. It was already dark outside. I putted some light makeup. I wanted to go but was so stressed at the same. I closed my door and walked and knocked at her door. She opened it.
-Come in. I walked in and sat on her sofa. I was looking at my feet and playing with my fingers.
-Why so anxious darling? She said.
-I'm not. She got up to sit next to me.
-Do not lie to me. She said taking my hands in hers.
-I just I'm sorry I don't know why I did it. I was just tired and you were so gorgeous I wanted to show you how much you mean to me-
-Show me again.
-Show me how much I mean to you.
-No listen to me first.
-Go on. She said grabbing me by my waist and pulling me closer to her.
-So I wanted to show you how gratefull I am to have you in my life. We had such a nice week-end and when you kissed my neck.. I thought that you wanted to show me how much I meant to you.
-Are you done?
-Yes. She lifted me and sat me on her lap effortless I was sat on her lap facing her.
-Now show me how much I mean to you. She said getting closer. I wasn't able to tell a single word. Was I supposed to say something? I looked at her. She got closer.
-Relax darling I'll go easy on you. She leaned in I felt her lips slowly brushed against mine I pressed a bit harder. She broke the kiss.
-Did I do something wrong?
-No darling now open your mouth. She said seductively. I did as she told me. She kissed me again but harder like she wanted it so bad. She introduced her tongue in my mouth she was slow with it. Her hands both on my hips. Her tongue all over on mine. This was so good I placed my hands around her neck. She started kissing my jawline and went down to my neck. I threw my head back in pleasure. She was sucking and kissing my skin. I felt so good and so wrong to do that. I took her hand between my hands and smashed our lips together. I moaned in her mouth she pulled away.
-What was that darling? She said breathless.
-Nothing now kiss me.
-What if I don't and tell you have to go back to your dorm?
-Well I- I will go. I said getting up. What was happening. She was the one who wanted to kiss me. She stand up.
-But not now later. She said lifting me and sitting me on her desk. She continued kissing me. Her lips on mine felt like we were connected. It's like she has been waiting for so long to do that. I had to ask her. I broke the kiss.
-Now tell me the name of your crush.
-Darling. She said smiling.
-Her real name.
-Yn Ln. I smiled and kissed her. My heart was beating so fast. Her lips were hot and soft I needed her so much. I have never liked someone that much.
-Yn you should leave now.
-It's getting late and you have class tomorrow.
-Sleeping can wait.
-Do you want to sleep here tonight?
-Yeah but we're not sleeping right now. I said pressing my lips against hers. We didn't have to talk that kiss meant everything. Not love but affection I don't think it's love beside it's way too early but too late for a crush. It was complicated. I didn't want to think about what we were I just wanted to enjoy the moment. Her kissing me was so romantic and caring but at the same rough. I love it. I couldn't get enough she leaned back to breathe but I went back in. I felt her lips grew a smile while kissing her. I knew she knew that I enjoyed it.
-Ok enough for now it's 11 go change and let's go to bed. I got up from the desk and kissed her again. She had a pair of pyjamas pants that were mine.
-Hey you stole that from me?
-Yeah in case you'll be sleeping here.
-I'll be back. I kept my shirt and just changed my bottom and removed my bra. My shirt was tight I wished for her room to be warm. I got out she was already in bed wearing a very sexy matching set. Well it was normal but on her everything seemed more sexy.
-Just so you know I- I am not like um well you know.
-I don't actually. Come here darling. I sat in front of her.
-Tell me you know you can trust me.
-Yeah so you know we kissed.. I loved it but that's it for now. I don't us to go faster and I'm not read-
-I understand. She said warmly.
-Umm and beside we can take things slowly no need to rush it. I smiled at her she was really the best. She was so caring and made me feel love. I got closer and kissed her. I layed down facing her. Her hand was on my waist she then bring me closer. She was now laying on her back.
-Good night darling.
-Good night. I said resting my head on her chest with my leg over hers. She was gently playing with my hair and her other hand on my leg when I fell asleep.

(3101 words)

More action. Now they kissed fr.

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