Chapter 9

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It's been two months that I arrived at Nevermore. Two month I've been seeing my principal daily. I guess we liked each other a lot since we were always together. I couldn't stand a day without her. We we're very close our relationship was special. I understood her and she understood me. I got up extra early and went to her office. I was walking in the halls when I thought about checking her room if she wasn't in her office. I knocked a few times but no answer. I went to her room and knocked. Still no answer, maybe she was sleeping. I heard the door opened and it was a man coming out of her room. He had his pants on but his shirt in his hand. He was looking around like a was a number one suspect of the police. He closed the door but I got out a gloss and slide it around the hall so the door won't close. Then he got out of the school. What was going on. My heart began to sank. She slept with him and he's leaving when she's not even awake? What a cunt. If you don't want to stay with someone the next morning, then don't hook up at all. I got out of the dark and went to her room. I got down to take my gloss and I saw her in her bed sitting and looking at me.
-He left mmh?
-Who? I asked inoncently
-The man who got out of my room because he didn't want to stay.
-Yes he left.
-I knew it. She sighed and she layed back. I looked at her face her expression were sad. She looked disaponted in herself. I got closer and sat on the edge of the bed.
-Who was he anyways?
-A guy I met on Tinder.
-What did I tell you, they are all the same.
-I thought this one would've been different.
-What about the girl you like?
-What happened?
-It will never work.
-Don't say that belive in yourself.
-She is not intersted in me.
-Did she told you?
-No but it's obvious. And this guy I thought if I gave him what he wanted.. he would've stayed.
-That's the worst mistake you can make.
-No really Yn? I just really wanted this to worked. He seemed so honnest.
-That's the thing. The more you make them wait. The more they'll want you. Time is key in love. Do not rush things ever.
-What do you know about it?
-Well I just saw an example of what I was talking about so I know a lot I'll say.
-You're mean.
-Yeah I know sorry. I said getting next to her.
-Come closer. I said.
-You're so needy.
-No not needy, cold. Tell me the whole story.
-So I texted him yesterday.
-You never talked to him before?
-Never, then he told me: Can I come to your place. Then I said yes. We went out to eat and when we got back he jumped on me and started to say he was inlove with me and that I was the prettiest woman he ever met. I told him and wanted to take things slow. He didn't really cared. He told me that I was a gold digger and he was disapointed in me. He started talking about how he wanted to marry me, and more. I thought if I gave him what he wanted.
-You should've told him to go fuck himself.
-Yeah. When I heard him getting up I was praying he was only going to the bathrrom and he would come back to cuddle me. I stopped praying when I heard the door closing. There you were. She said smiling through her tears.
-But I don't understand what's the rush in being in a relationship?
-I don't know. I want someone to love me.
-A lot of people love you.
-Oh really who? She said.
-Me. If I hated you I wouldn't be here.
-I mean love in a romantic way. I didn't love her but in this moment I would've kiss her. Not because I had a crush on her, perhaps she was really beautiful  but because I was emotionally attached to her.
-Everybody has a soulmate, don't worry you'll find yours.
-What if I already found her?
-Then shoot your shot.
-I can't.
-It's too early.
-Then wait. There's a moment for everything.
-Guess you're right.
-Now let's change your mind. What do you want to do? I said smiling and taking her hands.
-I don't know.
-Come on be creative.
-Let's um I don't know Yn, I'm tired and I feel so bad about what happened yesterday.
-We can stay here if you want.
-Yeah that'll be a better idea. I got closer to her. We were looking at each other. I glanced at her lips.
-You have a cut on your bottom lip. She looked away quickly.
-Oh yes I bit my lip yesterday. She said getting up and going in the bathroom.
-It's vertical. She turned around and lightly smiled at me.
-He hit you, didn't he?
-No he didn't.
-Why are you lying to me?
-Yes ok he hit me, are you happy now?
-No I'm not happy. If you were bored yesterday why didn't you texted me? I had nothing to do and would've like spending my night with you.
-Because I don't know. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
-Ok. I hugged her by behind. She was smiling at me through the mirror. She turned around and cupped my cheek with her hand.
-Do you want to do something tonight darling?
-We could do something now, I don't want to wait.
-Where do you want to go. She asked me.
-Far away. Let's take a road trip.
-I can't I'm the principal.
-We have 4 days of week-end. We went in her office by a door that connected both rooms. She got behind her desk and started writting an e-mail to explain she would take 4 days off. I got behind her and started massaging her shoulders slowly. And then whispered in her ear.
-You've been working so hard you deserve it. She turned around.
-Really darling?
-Now where do you want to go? She said while I was pourring us wine.
-New York.
-Go in your room and pack your stuff, we're leaving in 30 minutes. I smiled and got straight in my room. I packed so quickly and went back to her office. I got in without knocking and she was wearing a cherry red tone bra she was bouttoning her shirt.
-Are we lost? I tried my best to not look at her body. I mean she was in high heels black pants and a red bra in front of me.
-Sorry I'll come back.
-No need to it's just a bra. Don't be nervous Yn. Still I looked down but couldn't help glancing at her. She saw me. She knew I was looking.
-Alright I'm all change let's go.
-I always wanted to go to New York.
-Next year it'll be Paris.
-Yeah bet.
-Do I look like I'm joking?
-Don't know, we'll see next year. I said as I put my bags in the car.
-We will. Oh darling ca you hand me that? She said talking about her purse. I gave it to her. We both got in the car. We drove had to drive 6 hours.
-No turning back now. She said.
-I never questioned it. Let's go. My window was opened my hair floating in the wind. The cold air touching my face. I felt alive.
-When we'll get to the hotel I have a little suprise for you. She said knowing that I hated being surprised.
-What is it?
-Can't say.
-Noo please tell me. I begged.
-No I won't say. I rolled my eyes. She putted her hand my thigh. What was she doing? Was she teasing me? Did she really had no slef control? I grabed her hand so we could held hands. Holding hand is better less awkward.
-You're pretty with your hair all loose and the wind.
-Really you mean that? I said turning my head to look at her.
-Thank you. I said.
-You're blushing.
-You have so much ego.
-How come.
-I wouldn't blush at a compliment and especially from you. The window is open and I'm cold that's why my face is red.
-Shush stop making things up.
-I'm no-
-Shush darling. I looked at her she was smiling at me. I liked her so much. I never liked someone like that in my whole life.
-That's it? Not going to talk back?
-No, what would you want me to say? You're always right. I was blushing because of you. I said joking.
-It's true I am always right and you so pathetic.
-Pardon me? I said not finding her funny anymore.
-You're all forgiven.
-No I'm not pathetic take it back.
-Then prove it.
-By not being pathetic.
-I hate you.
-We both know that you don't. What was up with her. She was so flirty all of a sudent.
-If you say so. I said turning my head to look out.
-Darling are you ok? I was only joking. She's getting there, falling in my trap.
-Yeah I'm fine. I said forcing a voice break. She stopped on the side way. She cupped my cheeks.
-Yn I'm sorry you're not pathetic. I was only teasing. I saw the panik in her eyes.
-It just that- never mind.
-No tell me darling.
-It's just that you're the one who's pathetic getting all stressed for nothing. You're so pathetic you care more for me that I do for myself.
-I mean I do care about you.
-What? No way. Now let's drive if we want to get there someday. I said. We talked for at least 2 hours before I fell asleep. During our discusion her hand made its way to my thigh, that time I didn't move it.
-Darling we're here wake up.
-What. I said opening my eyes.
-Come we'll go in the hotel then we'll go swimming.
-What time is it?
-9 o'clock.
-Fuck it feels like 1 am.
-Darling language. She said giving me an comprensive look.
-I know you're tired but you need to come. Our bags are already in the room.
-I want to sleep. I said getting up. We took the elevator. I felt hot like there was tension between us. There's always a special conexion but now it was a tension and I knew I wasn't the only one who felt it. But also I wasn't the only one who didn't want to admit it. I looked away.
-You asked for two seperate bed?
-I did. She said smiling.
-Ok. I knew damn well that I would've ended up kissing her by the end of the night, if we were in the same bed.
-Your surpise is in the room so close you're eyes I'll guide you.
-Oh no!
-What? I said with my eyes still closed.
-There's only one bed.
-It's not that bad, we still slept together once.
-Yes and when I wake up you were all over me.
-Well you should've push me away, I move a lot when I sleep.
-Yes I saw that you're quite touchy when you sleep aren't you darling.
-Stop calling darling, Larissa.
-What don't you like it love? I sighed, what is her problem. She never acted like that.
-Anyways open your eyes. I ordered them for you.
-Oh Larissa, they're beautiful you didn't have to. I said while smelling the flowers.
-Plus how did you knew, they're my favorite?
-I just took the darker and redder flowers I saw. Now come we have many things to do.
-Like sleeping?
-Like swimming.
-At this time?
-Mmh. Come on it'll be fun.
-You better not let me drown. I said.
-I won't. Now go change in the bathroom.
-I didn't bring a swimsuit.
-There's a mall across the street let's go.
-Ok. We went in her car and arrived at the mall.
-Go in there.
-Victoria Secrets?
-They do sell bikini.
-Pff let's go. We walked in a lady came up to me.
-Do you know your size?
-No. She took her tape and started to mesure my breast and hip.
-You're so skinny a 32 A XS in panties. You're not very lucky.
-What is your problem mmh? And you don't you think that your personality takes away your beauty because let me tell you it does. She walked away.
-Don't listen to her she's probably jaelous.
-Yeah. I said. No one ever told me that I never really thought about my body before I felt confident in what I wore but now this thought was on replay in my head.
-Ohh that you fit you so well. Larissa said turning around holding a black bikini.
-Yeah I'll try it. I went in the fitting room and try it on. I had no hips no curves no boobs no ass. I removed it and decided to keep it. I didn't care it's a swimsuit anyways.
-I take it. We paid and got out.
-I can't belive it which kind of employe would ever say that? I mean first of all you do have some curves an-
-Larissa just stop already.
-I think you are lucky to have the body you have. You don't realize how pretty you are and that's a shame. We got in our room and I went in the bathroom to go change once I was done I grabed a towel that I putted around my body. I got out and Larissa said.
-Remove the towel. I did as she said. She got closer and started playing with the necklace she gave me.
-Follow me. We got on the balcony and there was a giant pool.
-Jump in. She said.
-Wait it looks cold. I said putting a foot in it to test the temperature it was kind of cold. Before I even realized what was happening Larissa pushed me in the water. I swim the surface.
-What is your problem it's freezing cold. She came in.
-It's warm.
-Well I'm cold. She started laughing.
-What's so funny?
-You are very cute.
-Don't call me cute. I'm a grown up I'm 18.
-I'll call you whatever I want.
-Bet. I said putting my head under the water. Now revenge time. I'm able to hold my breath for a long time under water. It was dark so she wasn't able to see me. I knew she was panicking at the moment. I couldn't hold my breath so I went back.
-Larissa? She wasn't there. Fuck. Did she get out and left me all alone? I steped back feeling like I fucked up big time. To fell on her she whispered in my ear.
-I'm starting to know you, am I?
-You are. I said.
-Let's get out, I don't want you to freeze to death. We left the pool and got back in our room. Her hair were so pretty wet.
-Stop staring at me.
-I'm not staring at you.
-Go change, we'll go sleep soon.
-Finally. I went to the bathroom to change but I forgot my clothes.
-Larissa? I said with only a towel around myself.
-What is it darling?
-I forgot to bring clothes.
-Oh wait. Was all she said before she began to look in my stuff and gave me a pair of nike shirts and a really small top with no bra. What was she playing at.
-Larissa? I called out her name less patient.
-Come give me proper clothes. To sleep in.
-Oh you should've precised. She gave me a long sleeve shirt and a Christmas bottom.
-Why would you bring a Christmas bottom?
-It's confortable. Now please give it to me.
-What if I don't?
-Larissa please I'm tired. She gave them to me. I changed and got back in the room. She was laying on the bed reading. She was wearing a sort of black matching set made of silk. Fancy. I got in the bed and turned my back to her. I tried to fall asleep the faster I could but she started with.
-You know what?
-Mmh? I mubbled.
-You know the girl I have a crush on?
-I think she now hates me. I turned around.
-Why would you say that?
-I don't know. I feel like I try to hard.
-Then stop trying and let her come to you. I would've like falling asleep in her arms but she seemed so fixated on this girl. I felt betrayed or just jaelous.
-You know what forget about her, if she would really like you, she would've done a move. I think she's just playing with your feelings.
-What if she doesn't know she's doing it.
-She's a slut then.
-Yn don't say that. Why do you always have to cross the line?
-It's true you want action in your life? There! I said pulling her closer and kissing her on the lips I pulled away.
-Now good night Larissa. I said mad at her.
-What! I snaped.
-I'm sorry I'm always talking about my problems with you. You must be tired of it. And hear about that girl. I didn't respond.
-Tell me, are you tired of it?
-Yes, I wish you could focus on me more when I'm with you I mean I don't mind being here when you need to talk, but I just don't ever want to hear from your girl again.
-Why, what's wrong?
-Nothing it's just always the same thing. Like telling me about her every minute will change something.
-I'm sorry Yn, thank you for letting me know. She said as she pulled me closer.
-I thought you didn't want us to sleep that close and touchy.
-I changed my mind. She said while starting to play in my hair. I loved when she was doing that.
-Good night Lari. I sais as I kissed her cheek. I didn't realized what I had done.
-Someone's feeling nice tonight.
-Please just sleep. I said, she laughed.
-Good night my darling. She said now kissing my cheek. Ok she did the same so when I did it, it wasn't weird. Plus why did her lips were so soft?

(3088 words)

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