Chapter 14: boo boo

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Partypooper finally found them he tried to hide the blood as he walked passed them. "Boring..boring..=(" "STOP IT YOU PARTY GUY" "What..=(" partygoer was right beside partypooper eating human cupcakes. "WHY'S THERE BLOOD ON YOU" “oh thats not blood uhh thats uh..paint! Yeah! =)” "IF IT WAS PAINT IT WOULDN'T BE FRESH." He got real close to partypooper. He got his guitar and smashed it on partypooper. "That was boring pain..very boring pain..=(" Partypooper grabbed him by the neck and got his pistol loading it but sunshine kicked it out his hand and ran away. "I GET BICYCLE SEAT FUCK YOU." “i think you should’ve taken off your mask =)” "I make boring people forget..=(" Gymsanity came to help and grabbed sunshine by the foot. "Ok buddy! Let's go do 40 push-ups and then we do 50 sit ups. 10 hour planks drink 5 gallons of protein shakes and eat protein powder. Eat protein bars. And then the most fun  part.. WE DO ALL OF IT AGAIN 200 TIMES MAN!" "NOOOOO PLEASEEEEE I BARELY CAN BEAT RICKY NOVAK" They both go to gym. "See i tell you boring minds forget boring stuff..=(" “im telling you really shouldve taken off your mask =)” "I don't like showing my boring face..=(" “yes you do! Show me that super fun face! =)” she takes off his mask. "What the hell do you want =(" "Don't be mean..or do it's boring anyway =(" “i want you~ =)” "Shut up you Partygoer. =(" "You want me? Sounds boring..=(" “your evil self must not understand that im really not like the other partygoers =)” "All you Partygoers are the same so shut the fuck up- =(" "Just ignore it. It's very boring =(" “listen here you evil damn bastard im not that damn evil ill eat people and kill people but i wont hurt your kind. =)” "What's that supposed to mean you yellow fat ass. For your information, our 'kind' is gone there's only one of us left you dumbass.=(?" "Not another boring argument..=(" “now your making me really damn mad you fucking bitch i wouldnt hurt your kind if they were all alive dumbass fucking retard =)” "that's it I'm killing you =(" "or not its boring..=(" “kill me then i wouldnt care.. Not one bit but.. You would care =)” she came closer and kissed him. He blushed. "Why the hell am I blushing?? Fuck it I'm not killing you. =(" "You're kiss was boring as always..=(" partygoer holds partypoopers hand. His hands start sweating a lot. "Stop holding my damn hand =(" "Oh cool.. boring hand holding.. =(" she held his other hand also. His other hand started sweating too. "Didn't i just say stop you fat Partygoer =(" "Don't's super boring..=(" she kissed him again. "I hate when you fucking kiss me fat ass. =(" "It's so boring..=(" then she made out. He held onto her like he did last time and enjoyed it a lot. “Do you take back all that mean not fun things you said about me =)” "sure you Partygoer.=(" "What a boring make up apology=(" partygoer started touching him in weird places. “Mmm~ i feel.. weird~ its like i wanna just~.. Take off everything and just~.. Have some fun with you~ =)” "No hell no.. =(" "If you do it it's gonna be soo boring..=(" “pleasee it’ll be super fun~ =)”
"I said hell no bitch =(" "I don't care.. it'll be boring anyway..=(" “atleast your normal self wants to~=)” "So you like this fat ass bitch? =(" "Yes i do.. she's very uh..boring. And she's not fat. =(" “your evil self is very mean =)”
"That's why you shouldn't take off my boring mask..=(" "You should always take off the mask. I hope i kill you one day=(" “you wont kill me anyday =)” Partypooper's evil version tried to hit her but partypooper didn't let it happen. "Stop being so boring..=(" "She needs to die. =(" “no i dont male partygoers do need to die tho..=)” "Rest in peace my very boring family=(" "Shut the Fuck up she killed them =(" “no i didnt im telling you the male partygoers did! I thought it wasnt fun to kill 'enemies' =)” "Lies lies all you Partygoers are the same. =(" "This is a very boring question I'ma ask but how did you guys not find me? =(  “i dont know =)” "You Partygoers are stupid =(" "Shut up.. your being rude and that's boring..=(" “back to what i was saying about having fun with you~ =)” she started touching him again. He was enjoying it but he didn't say that. "This is so boring…=(" "Stop touching Mee i hate this.=(" “nope i wont stop~ i wanna have fun~ =)” "Well this isn't's so boring.=(" "UGH i hate this. =(" she slowly started to take off his pants. "Still boring..=(" "Don't you dare take off my pants you stupid bitch =(" then she completely took of his pants. "I bet you'll do something boring..=(" "I swear if you suck- =(" she started sucking “mmmmhm~ sucking is so much f-fun~ =)” "Stop sucking my dic- =(" "it feels so good– i mean boring…=(" she went deeper and choked. "I hope you choke and die you Partygoer =(" "Its so boring when you choke..keep going..please =("  a hour later he came. "Finally.. that was the worst experience I've ever been through." "That was so boring…=(" He pulled up his pants. “That was soo much fun~ but we arent done~! =)” she pulled back down partypooper pants and starting rubbing it “isnt this so fun~? =)” "'s boring..=(" "Stop touching me my damn dick bitch =(" “nope~ this is just so much fun~ and its not boring~ =)” she rubbed faster “and every time you tell me to stop ill go faster~! So fun~.. =)” He came again because his boring ass dick don't last. “... white stuff~ all over my face~.. Now thats really fun~!=)”. An hour later they did it now they have a green baby

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