The Drawing Book.

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It was Monday Morning in Old Oak Highschool,Students were rushing to get to their lockers and or chatting with their friends. I, however, was paying no attention to anyone else. I had a goal today, to try and remember to grab my things for my classes while locker break. I tend to forget because I always seemed to have my mind on something else, but I was getting the hang of it. I was speed-walking my way to my locker when I bumped into someone. I laid there for a moment before I got up and fixed my classy baseball hat and asked if they were okay. But by the looks of their arm it didn't look like they were...shit. It was small but blood was slowly dripping down, occasionally a few drops would touch the floor. I tried to help her but she quickly pushed me away, "What was that for!?" I shouted at her, But she was already running down the hall carrying the only thing she had with her, A ripped up sketch book.

I recall her name being Charlotte Yeller. She was pretty for her type of quiet, Her black wavy hair dropped down to the ground, occasionally brushing against her ripped leggings. She was known to stay out of other people's business. She wasn't always quiet, though, She used to be the most interactive student in the whole school. She used to volunteer to be on the Volleyball team and always loved to paint vibrantly colored pictures on canvas. She had it all, in my opinion, friends who adored her, teachers who loved her in their classes, the grades, the recognition..but then one day she brought that... book. The way the book looked matched the way she looked now, sad and creepy. Some kids taunted her for her book, saying it made her a stinky old witch. Others thought it was some curse. After awhile, people started avoiding her. Even the teachers never called her in class, fearing her as much as the others students. I was the only one who never really ignored people, I think it's rude in my opinion... But the real reason why I was trying to keep in contact with her was because I wanted to know what was in the book. I remember how one time I tried to look at it, But she snatched it away from me before I could even touch it... Odd.

It was Lunchtime when I finally got my mind off of her and that book. I chatted with my friends at a nearby table about how their games were doing and if they got any luck in finding a boyfriend or girlfriend. It was all good times until I saw her. She seemed gloomy and sad as always, always did wonder why she was like that... Maybe I should go and find out. When I saw her get up, I quickly lied to my friends saying I needed to go to the bathroom. They nodded and talked away time as I followed the girl filled with secrets and lies.

It was when we got to the bathrooms she for once placed that book down to go to a stall. As she went in the bathroom I finally opened up the book for the first time... What I saw was beyond disturbing.

Each page was filled with drawings of different students being tortured in various ways, A football player I recognized to be Tim Wince had his head smashed in by the one ball he always played with. A fashionable senior I saw to be Rachel Leming was stuffed and made into a mannequin, On the mannequin was her usual outfit...only bloodier... Why did Charlotte make this? What made her think that it was okay to think this? Did she secretly hate everyone in the school for some mysterious reason? Or was she just a psychopath?

I shivered and closed the horrible book, trying to dig the images within out of my head. It was silent...Too silent... It didn't take me long to realize it have been almost two whole hours and Charlotte still hasn't come out the bathroom...Two whole hours of reading that wretched book. I slowly placed the book back down and began to leave the bathroom.The lights in the bathroom shuddered on and off, they weren't doing that earlier...the pink and green checkered walls made it look as if I was walking into an abandoned restaurant bathroom. I felt unstable in here, I paused for a moment to listen to surround sounds before I concluded that I was probably the just way too paranoid from looking at that book. Maybe she was just a horror artist practicing death scenes on familiar faces? No...That sounded to shady...I decided it was best to leave it alone after three whole minutes of thinking through it. I slowly and steadily left the bathroom until I heard the creaking sound of a rusty door opening behind me. I turned around...Face to face with Charlotte. Her eyes looked dead as she stared at me with an odd look on her face. She snarled "Didn't you know that those drawings were supposed to be private!?" I took a step backward, She only continued to follow me. "I knew this was going to happen...It will all happen in order." I didn't know what she was talking about...But I couldn't take her creepy smile that was now on her face. "St-Stay back! You freak!" I stammered. She only smiled more before stopping dead on her feet. I wanted to run, but I couldn't move my legs...I was focused on what she was pulling out from behind her. "I love painting," she giggled softly to herself, I watched her fearfully. "I loooove painting...but I ran out of paint..." she made a pouty face before she pulled out a small cutting knife. "Wh..what..." I didn't know what to say...I didn't know what to do...I was face to face with a maniac. She twirled the knife around in her hand as she held a piece of paper in the other. She held it up and I saw a drawing of a boy with his neck slit open, blood still seeping from his cut. It took me a moment to realize...It was me... Charlotte saw my face of terror and squealed with laughter before looking me dead in the eyes. "I want to borrow your paint."

The end...
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