Shashkuli and Payasam

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Shvet kept drawing weird figures using the spoon dipped in bowl of Payasam, as he was lost in thoughts. The royal family was having their dinner together. Vedangi noticed this and tapped on the back of his palm, breaking his trance. Shvet looked at her startled and raised his eyebrows, asking what? Vedangi gestured him to concentrate on food, Shvet smiled faintly and nodded positively. 'All okay? Asking because you didn't even notice your favourite Payasam is made today' Shvet bit his tongue, mouthed a sorry and gulped down a spoonful of it.

Uttara nudged Uttar, turning his attention towards the silent interactions between Shvet and Vedangi. "Ehm... Ehm" Uttara coughed deliberately suppressing her giggle and earning a glare from both Shvet and Vedangi. Sudeshna just glared at her, oblivious of what was going on. "Bhabhi, you didn't take shashkuli today? I thought those were your favourite" Uttar asked as his eyes turned towards Vedangi's food plate. Vedangi frowned and gulped down a morsel of roti dipped in gravy, "It seems like your niece/ nephew doesn't like my favourite dish. So poor me have to sacrifice eating it, atleast till he/she grows old enough to eat by themselves".

Shvet slapped his forehead mentally, how did he forget to notice that his meenu, was not eating her favourite dish. He made a mental note to ask her what all were the dishes that caused her discomfort. "Bhabhi, but how do you understand if they doesn't like it, or like it" sixteen year old Uttara asked, curiously. "A mother understands everything her child wants to say, she doesn't need a mode of communication for it. You will yourself understand when you will become a mother. Like now, I understand that my child likes Payasam more than Shashkuli" Vedangi answered, Sudeshna passed a very small smile and then turned her concentration again on the food.

Shvet smirked and nudged Vedangi. "Look everyone, my child already likes whatever I like. No doubt he/she is going to be like me" . Vedangi controlled the urge to roll her eyes as Sudeshna would definitely glare scold her is she did so. "Bhrata please, my niece is going to be like me" Uttara interrupted, "And how do you know, it's going to be a niece and not nephew, huh?" Uttar smacked Uttara's head playfully. "Children! Concentrate on your food, don't fight atleast while having dinner, it's insult to mata Annapurna" Sudeshna finally spoke, making the hall go silent.

Vedangi shifted on her place, she was now finding it difficult to sit with folded legs on the ground due to her baby bump. "And yes Vinaya, Shashkuli won't be made in the royal kitchen for next one year, okay?" Sudeshna ordered the chief chef. "No matashree it's absolutely oka.." Vedangi tried to protest but was silenced by just one glance from Sudeshna. Deep in her heart, Vedangi always found this aura of Sudeshna very intimidating , as it had the power to silence someone by just one glance.
Vedangi sat in the balcony of her chamber in Shvet's palace. Though she had a palace for herself, she rarely stayed there. She was scribbling something on a palm leaf with a peacock feather. Her pregnancy hormones were making her somewhat creative. Her writing paused as Ardhika announced that Sudeshna is asking for her presence as some important guest had arrived.

Vedangi straightened her veil and dupatta and walked towards Sudeshna's chamber. Before she could enter, she heard Sudeshna talking with the guest, "Jiji, are you being prejudiced about her?" Sudeshna said, "No Bhabhi, I don't trust anyone who is related to them, I want to test her for Shubhr" another lady said. As Vedangi entered the chamber she saw, a regel looking lady sitting in front of Sudeshna, "You called me Matashree?" Vedangi asked and the lady turned back. Her face held serene expression and eyes were calm,"Shubhr's wife?" She asked. "Yes jiji" Sudeshna replied and the lady smiled looking at Vedangi. Vedangi touched her feet hurriedly, ", Don't bent. Bhabhi told me the news" she smiled and placed her hand on Vedangi's baby bump and then blessed her with saubhagya vati bhava.

"Hope you aren't like your father, princess of Anga" the lady said the calmness in her eyes now changed in anger, Vedangi lowered her gaze. "Putra vadhu, she is princess of Shivi and Maharani of Indraprastha, Devika jiji" Sudeshna introduced. Vedangi now understood why Devika's expression changed while mentioning Anga, she mentally noted to apologise on her father's behalf. "Where are my kids bhabhi, especially my Shankh?" Devika asked and just then Uttara entered grinning. "Devika buashree after such a long time" she hugged Devika.

"I forgot to tell you how is she related to us. My matashree, Maharaj's mother was from her kul. So she and Maharaj consider each other like brother and sister, making her Buashree of the kids" Sudeshna explained. "Bhabhi, where are others? I want to introduce someone to you" Devika said, resting her arm around Uttara's shoulder and making her sit besides herself. Shvet, Shankh, Uttar and Virat entered the chamber, happiness written on their face. Devika was smiling and laughing with them, Sudeshna and Vedangi stood looking at them, smiling fondly. Vedangi noticed Shvet's eyes, they reflected bliss like never before, as if he was finding the motherly love he didn't get from Sudeshna in Devika.

"I have someone else with me too kids and I know you all would be more than happy to meet them, especially Shubr" Devika said and gestured her dasi to send them in. "Buashree, is Yaudheya bhrata here too?" Uttar asked and Devika nodded in a no. "I would surely bring him here the next time, but the one who is going to come is more close to you all than your bhrata" devika answered. Sudeshna and Virat exchanged glances and turned their gaze at the door again.

A man and a lady, few years younger to Sudeshna walked inside and expressions in Sudeshna, Virat and Shvet's face changed. "Kakashree!" Shvet almost screamed and ran into that man's arms. Tears fell down from his eyes as he hid his face in the man's chest, "Where were you kakashree! I am not letting you go anywhere now... Never" he mumbled and cried more. The man rocked Shvet's head lovingly, "I am not going anywhere my son, stop crying" .  Vedangi kept looking at them flabbergasted, she had never seen Shvet being so emotionally expressive to anyone except her. "Ek.. Ekant" she ordered, wiping her tears that rolled down her eyes unknowingly as to hide this side of her pati from everyone else. The dasis hurriedly ran out of the chamber, leaving the royal family in solace.
Shashkuli: It was a sweet dish made of rice or barley, during ancient times, which is somewhat like modern Jalebi.
Note: A princess of Shivi kingdom named Bhaumasvi  was married to a kings of Matsya, her wedding was a polyandrous marriage.
Hey, my lovely readers, the next part is here.
Hope you all liked reading it, do let me know through your comments. They are much important for me ❤️.

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