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Vedangi sat on the swing in her balcony, looking at the setting sun and munching on sour tamarind. "My child? How are you doing? Any thing you want to complain about to your mata?" She said caressing her baby bump. "We all are waiting for your arrival. Your Mamashree had already bought toys for you, your buashree is searching the best name for your, your both matamahi are planning, how grandly the will celebrate your naming ceremony, your jyeshth bhrata Aditya is all set to trouble you, your matamah Angraj has donated lot of gold when he received the news of your arrival and me and your Pitashree can't wait to hold you in our arms" she added her eyes set on the orange rays spread across the horizon.

Shvet entered the part of the palace, that belonged to they siblings. Tired from the long journey, he craved to lay on his bed as he was away from palace for two long days. He passed Uttara's chamber and took a right turn to enter his chamber, when he heard someone giggle. He recognised the owner of the voice, the one who loved to sit in moonlight, Uttara. He hurried towards her personal garden and saw her swinging on her decorated swing like a toddler. He rolled his eyes, it wasn't safe for her to wander in garden late night. "Ehm.. Ehmm" Shvet fake coughed and stood behind her, hands on waist and eyebrows raised.

Uttara climbed down the swing as she saw him. Gulping, she passed a fake smile and hurried towards her private chamber. "Stop" Shvet said making her stop immediately, "How many times have I told you, it's not safe to wander at late night and that too without gurads?" Shvet said strictly making Uttara lower her gaze. He made her sit besides him on the swing and held her shoulder, "I know you like sitting in the moonlight Utti, but see how cold it is now and rats, snakes come out of their holes at night only, right" Shvet explained her. "Sorry, I won't do it again" Uttara apologised bringing all her innocence in her eyes. "Drama queen" Shvet chuckled making her giggle too.

"Well, missed me?" Shvet asked and Uttara unapologetically nodded negatively adding "Not at all", making Shvet gasp. "Don't you even love your jyeshth bhrata?" Shvet asked mocking as if hurt, "As of now, no! I have reserved all my love for my nephew" Uttara passed tight lipped smile. "How are you so much confident that it's going to be a boy? I know very well I am going to be father of a girl. I would be her best friend and give her every happiness" Shvet replied. "No! No! No! I know very well that it's going to be a boy, my nephew" Uttara flipped her braid. "Okay, let's see what happens at the baby shower" Shvet said challenging her.

"Oohh yes Bhrata!" Uttara exclaimed loudly, Shvet held her mouth, asking her to keep quiet as others may wake up due to her exclamation. Uttara bit her tongue in apology, "Oohh yes, thanks for reminding me. Today afternoon I heard mata talking with Uma kakishree and Kartiki mami that she was talking with Angrani from a few weeks and they have mutually decided that Bhabhi's 'godh bharai' would be held this month itself!" She answered grinning ear to ear. A chill ran down Shvet's spine, his Meenu's godh bharai! It took a few seconds for him to digest this fact and he too grinned ear to ear.

"Are.. are you sure about this?" He asked for conformity. "Yes Bhrata, mata even said she is going to announce it tomorrow as you were not here" Uttara replied with full confidence. "But, how did you hear it? Don't tell me you again eavesdropped their conversation" Shvet asked knotting his eyebrows. Uttara again smiled sheepishly, trying hard to look innocent, "Bhrata I was passing from the corridor and I accidently heard it, really" she replied. "Don't lie Utti, I am your jyeshth and know you very well" Shvet raised his eyebrows again and Uttara smiled more innocently. "Why don't you listen to me? It's not good to eavesdrop on someone's conversation. After some years, you would queen or Yuvrani of some kingdom, would it be right to eavesdrop on someone then? Tell me?" He scolded, while she tried to control her laughter.

"I will ask my spies to do it for me then" Uttara replied, giggling. Shvet slapped his forehead and rose on his feet, "Go and sleep now, it's too late. Shubh ratri" he wished and hurried towards his chamber.
When Shvet entered his chamber, there was darkness around, only a small lamp near the balcony was lit. He called for Vedangi couple of times but did not receive any reply. He went to the balcony to pick up the lamp, but found Vedangi sleeping on the swing, a bowl of tamarinds besides her , probably waiting for him. Her face shining in the moonlight and baby hair falling on her face. He lifted her in his arms like a baby, startling her. She screamed and held her bump instinctively, eyes shut tightly.

"Relax! It's me" Shvet whispered in her ears, Vedangi sighed in relief and glared. "I got scared!" She whined and wrapped arms around his neck, "Sorry" he murmured kissing her cheek. "How was your visit? All well?" She asked as she layed her on the bed, Shvet just nodded positively. "Don't exhaust yourself, trying to make everything perfect. Take time for yourself too nath" she said holding his hand in her's. "My life now revolves around you all, you, our child, our family and our kingdom" he replied laying his head on her shoulder.

"But amidst this don't forget that you are a human too, we are all together in every problem, okay?" She assured him.
Hey, my lovely readers, the next part is here.
Hope you all liked reading it, do let me know through your comments, they are much important for me ❤️.

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