Kichō Fujioka

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This will be updated once later Arcs get animated! Also I apologise if some parts don't make sense I wrote this late at night most of the time I was working on it

TW: Mentions of abuse and Alcohol

"They may call me Nōhime but I'm not a fancy lady or a princess. I'm Kichō Fujioka of the Port Mafia."


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ First Name ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Kichō

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Last Name ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Fujioka

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ First Name Meaning: ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ The name Kichō has many meanings depending one what Kanji is used, however the kanji used in her name mean 'rare' and 'a butterfly' which together can mean 'rare butterfly'. It is the same name as a woman from the Sengoku Era, specifically Nobunaga Oda's wife.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Last Name Meaning: ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Fujioka means 'wisteria hill', a habitual name from a village in Shinano


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Port Mafia

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Alias/Title(s)⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Nōhime

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Lady Nō

Nōhime and Lady Nō are basically the same title, however the first is more used by fellow Mafia members while the other is used by the general public

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Nickname ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Ki

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Nō

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Is It Meaningful To Them? ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Ki is the most common nickname used for her as Nō is used more like a title. Though this means that when people do just call her Nō in some unknown way she finds it to be quite meaningful

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Ability ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇



Odyssey is an ability mainly tapping into hydrokinesis. The user can both manipulate and create water wherever they go and will have almost complete control, especially when there's no interference from other liquids. The ability has two forms, Charybdis and Scylla.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇: ̗̀➛ Charybdis: Activating Charybdis creates a water vortex, as long as there's enough water to do so, it'll swallow up anything that fits into it's gaping maw no matter how many things there are or how heavy they are. After being within the whirlpool whatever was swallowed will be thrashed around in the water for a few minutes before being thrown back out as the whirlpool dissipates. This part has many downsides to it though. It cannot be used if there isn't enough water, a lot of concentration is needed to hold the whirlpools form in a stable sense leaving the user open to surprise/sneak attacks, the whirlpool can also drag the user in as well and then the whirlpool time length with be entirely unknown and if it's at sea then the whirlpool will continue on even if the ability user has died. Typically the max diameter is 20ft, however if the body of water is a lake or the ocean the size of the diameter can be up to 30ft and will have not only stronger currents but the currents will also be significantly faster.

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