Chapter 1

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The black asphalt burned through the soles of my shoes as I ran down the deserted highway, The only thoughts circling through my head were survival. Every now and then I would have images of my family being torn to shreds by the dead as I stood there knowing I couldn't help them now.

It's been about a month since this outbreak, if I shall even call it that. I was setting in my bedroom when I got the call from my mom telling me I should come back home because things were getting bad, I didn't think twice before packing my stuff up and heading to my parents.

Before I knew it I was walking the highways, kicking the ass of any flesh eater that crossed my path. The sound of a vehicle snapped me out of my thoughts as I started to slow down to see where it was coming from, When I turned around I saw a older dark blue jeep coming my way. I started waving my arms in the air for them to stop and luckily they started to slow down. A rather well built man with dark hair pulled up next to me, " You heading somewhere" he yelled, " No, But if your offering to take me with you, I'll sure as hell come" I yelled back. " Hop in" he responded. " My names Shane" he responded, " I'm Callie" I replied. " How long have you been out here?" He asked, " It's been about two weeks, I've just been roaming the roads" I replied. " By yourself ?" He asked. " Yeah, just me" I replied. I watched through the corner of my eye as he glanced over and examined me. " I'm taking you to our camp, There's others there" he responded.

We traveled in silence until we met a curvy gravel road that lead to a quarry, " Will get you cleaned up and fed" Shane said as he stopped the jeep.I looked around as I got out, There were a good amount of people here. " Everyone meet Callie, I found her when I went out" Shane said as he lead me to the group. The first to introduce there selves was an older lady with short gray hair, " Hi Sweetheart, I'm glad you found us, My names Carol and this is my daughter Sophia" she said while pointing at a young girl with short blonde hair. " It's nice to meet you " I replied. " Let's get you fed" She replied as she led me to the fire pit that had a pot over it, " Hope you ok with soup" She said as she filled up a bowl. " I haven't ate in four days, So I'll take anything" I replied. She handed me the bowl and in a matter of seconds the soup was already gone. A little boy who brown hair sat next to me, " My names Carl and that over there is my mom Lori" He said while pointing to a lady with brown hair. " Well Carl my names Callie" I said while standing up. " How old are you Callie?" He asked, " I'm 22" I responded with a smile on my face, " How old are you?" I asked, " I'm only 10" He replied while kicking his feet around in the dirt. " Hun do you wanna go get cleaned up?" Carol asked from behind me, " Yeah I can't remember the last time I showered" I responded. I know it sounded gross but I mean it is what it is. She lead me down to the quarry, " You can just get in or get a bucket and go into the woods, it doesn't matter" She responded while giving me a bar of soap and a towel. " I'm just going to dive in" I said as I started to strip. First I stripped off my grey tank top, then I took my gun that was tucked into my jeans and sat it on the ground along with my knife, then my jeans and underwear and lastly my not so white converse. I jumped into the quarry and felt so relaxed as the water submerged my whole body, I felt all the gunk that was stuck to me wash away as I scrubbed. The sound of a loud ass car alarm ruined my relaxation, I quickly climbed out butt ass naked and through my clothes back on. As I was running back a red Dodge Challenger pasted me as it flew up the road, " Holy Crap turn that dang thing off" An old guy said as he got closer to the car. A young Asian boy got out of the car, " I don't know how to turn it off" He yelled, " Pop the damn hood" Shane yelled back. Everyone was yelling at the kid as Shane turned off the alarm. " Where's the others, Where's Andrea" A blonde girl screamed, " There coming" The Asian kid said back. " Are you crazy driving this squealing thing up here, Are you trying to get all the walkers to come into this camp" Shane yelled out. " I think we're ok, it's hard to pin point the noise throughout these hills, But think a little smarter next time" The old guy said back. " Sorry, At least I got a cool car" the kid replied. A few second later a white box truck pulled in behind the red challenger, " Amy" A blonde girl screamed while running out of the truck, " Andrea" The other girl screamed. Well at least I know their names now, " How did you guys make it out"Shane asked, " Some helicopter guy, He's a cop like you" One of the guys yelled. I walked over to the Asian boy, " Hey my names Callie" I said, " Oh I'm Glenn" He replied. " Come on and introduce yourself" Glenn yelled to the other guy that was in the truck. As the guy got out and started to walk towards us Shane had a wild look on his face, " Is it really you" He said, Next thing I know Carl is running towards the guy, " Dad" he screamed as he jumped in the mans arms. " That's Rick, He saved us in the city" Glenn said.

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