Chapter 4

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" Hello, Anyone there" Rick screamed out as we all walked in and the gate closed behind us. This had to be the cleanest place I've been since this all started, didn't look to be a speck of dirt on the floor. A man through a door, " Anyone infected?" A man wearing a grey shirt and blue pants yelled out. " One of our group was, He didn't make it"Rick replied. " Why are you here? What do you want" The man asked. " A chance" Rick responded. " That's asking an awful lot these days" The man said. " You All summit to a blood test that's the price of admission" He said. " We can do that"Rick responded. " You have stuff to bring in, Do it now once this door closes it stays closed" The guy said.

We all piled into an elevator, " Rick grimes" Rick said as he extended his hand to the man, " Doctor Edwin Jenner" Jenner responded. " Doctors always go around packing heat like that" Daryl asked receding to the gun Jenner was carrying. " There was so many lying around I thought I might as well get one" Jenner responded. " You All look harmless enough, Expect you, I'll have to keep my eye on you" Jenner said while looking down at Carl.

" Are we under ground?" Carol asked, " Are you claustrophobic" Jenner asked. " A little" Carol responded, " Well try not to think about it" He replied. " Vine bring up the lights in the big room" Jenner yelled out and as soon as he did all the lights turned on. " Welcome to Zone 5" Jenner said. " Wheres the doctors and the staff" Rick asked. " I'm it, it's just me here" Jenner replied. " What about the person you were speaking with" Lori asked. " Vi say hello to our guest, tell them welcome" Jenner yelled out loud and a robot like  voice echoed throughout the room. " I'm all that's left" Jenner responded:

" What's the point, If we were infected we would have fevers" Andrea said as Jenner took her blood. " I've already broken every rule in the book let me at least be sure" Jenner responded. I was up next I walked over to Jenner and sat in the chair in front of him, I took my flannel off leaving me in a tank top that was to small for me as it is. I sat my arm on the table and he quickly got to work on drawing my blood, I felt light headed as I sat there but I didn't want to make a fuss over anything. Before I knew it he was already done, I stood up but as soon as I did everything went black.

" I don't remember the last time I saw her eat anything" Shane said as he talked to Rick. I quickly opened my eyes to see everyone looking down at me, I propped myself up on my elbows and stood up. " Wooo there be careful" Shane said as he placed his hand in the middle of my back to support me. " Well that was embarrassing" I said as I dusted my pants off. " I guess that means we should go eat" Jenner said as he lead us out of the room.

We all sat around a large table like a great big family, We laughed as we all drank wine. I can't even remember the last time I had a dinner like this, Even before all of this started I would just eat Taco Bell or something. " Even children can have some wine" Dale said as he filled my glass the rest of the way full. " Well when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some" Lori replied. " What's it going to hurt, Come on" Rick said as Lori just shook her head. Dale poured a tiny bit of wine into a cup and headed it to him, " Eww" Carl said as soon as the wine hit his lips. " That's my boy, That's my boy" Lori said as she patted his back. I slumped back in my chair and locked eyes with Rick from across the table, We stared at each other for an awkward amount of time, My cheeks started to get hot the longer I stared at him, I could see the small grin forming in the corners of his mouth. " Stick to soda pop little man" Shane yelled out. " Not you Glenn, Keep drinking little man i wanna see how red your face gets" Daryl said to Glenn. His comment almost made me choke on the wine that was in my mouth. " Seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly" Rick said as he stood up from the table. We all raised our glasses expect for Daryl who was drinking out of the whole ass wine bottle, " To Jenner" We all cheered. " So when you going to tell us what the hell happened here doc" Shane asked while looking at Jenner. " Where are all the other doctors" Shane asked. " We're celebrating" Rick said you could tell Shane was already pissing Rick off. " No need to do this now" Rick said. " Oh wait a second this is why we're here right, this was your move we were supposed to find all the answers instead we found him" Shane said while pointing at Jenner. " Just drop it already" I said while giving Shane a death glare. " Well to answer your question when things got bad a lot of people just left, went on to be with there families and when things got worse, When the military got taken over many bolted" Jenner said. " Ever last one"Shane asked. I sat there in annoyance, Trying to block out the whole conversation so I wouldn't get even more pissed off. " Dude your such a buzz kill" Glenn said as he sat back down.

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