Chapter 5

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Fort Benning was our next stop, It's been a day since the CDC we've just been driving and stoping for supplies every now and then. I started riding with Rick because Daryl has decided to use his motorcycle and even though he offered for me to ride on the back, I just felt more comfortable in the car. Even though it was a tight squeeze with Carol, Sophia, Carl, Rick, Lori and myself, With that being said I decided to ride in very back with all of our supplies, I was quite comfortable, Mostly because once I found a pillow in the back I was out like a light.

My nap was good until I started sweating, I sat up and looked into the rear view mirror and made eye contact with Rick as he was driving, " Look who finally decided to wake up" Rick said with a smile on his face, Carl turned around and looked at me for a second, " Your hair looks like a birds nest" He said before giggling. " Oh thanks, I was going for that look" I said before adjusting myself and sitting against the back glass of the car. A few mintued went by before we were at a stop in the highway, Rick stopped the car as we all piled out and went to talk with the others.

" What happened now?" I asked as I walked to the front of the RV, " It was just a matter of time before this valve blew anyway" Dale said. " Good Place for us to gather some more stuff" I said. " This looks like a Grave yard" Lori said. " Come on Yall look around and gather what you can" Shane said.

I started digging through the trunk of a car when I came across some clothes, I found some jeans, a plain black shirt and some more tank tops. I shove them into my bag as I continued to look. When I opened the next car it was like I found a gold mine, Well to me at least. I found a pair of white converse like the ones I had on, They weren't knew but they looked a lot  better then what I had, Along with those I found some underwear which I can always use.

I was digging through a car when Rick grabbed me by my arm and pulled me underneath a car with him, " Stay quite, There's a herd of walkers" He said. I just shook my head as I stayed glued to the ground. Carl and Sophia were under the cars next to us, Rick signaled with his finger for them to stay quite. I rested my hand on my stomach as I waited for them to pass, I started hearing loud crying that is until I notice Sophia crawl out from under the car and run into the woods but shortly after Rick went after her. I stayed under the car for a second until I heard the others coming. Carol was of course in hysterics crying as Lori tried to calm her down.

Shane and Glenn went out to the woods for a little bit trying to help find Sophia but shortly came back not long after they left. Shane told us all to keep busy and to keep looking through the vehicles to find supplies, so I did just that. The first few cars I went through didn't have much of anything besides a few protein bars and little snacks like that but those will be great for the kids or anyone who wants them. I was about to go through another car when I noticed Carl sitting in the road, " Are you ok buddy" I said as I sat down next to him. " Well I found this really cool kit filled different knifes and stuff, I tried to show Shane but he was really hateful and told me to take them to Dale" Carl said. " Oh I'm sorry buddy, Why was Shane being hateful" I asked. " I don't know, To make it worse my mom wouldn't let me keep one of the knifes and I'm the one who found them" He replied. " She just doesn't want you to get hurt, She didn't mean to make you upset" I replied. " Why don't you come with me while I look through so cars, We can see who finds the coolest stuff" I said and he agreed as we both got up and walked away.

We started going through more cars, " Uh" Carl said as he held up a pair of red lace underwear, " Oh god" He said as He started giggling, He threw them back in the car and continued looking. " Look at this!" He said while pulling out a big red bag, " It's filled with medical stuff" He said as he went through the bag. " I think you won this game" I replied as we searched through the bag. " it was filled with different medicines, bandages and gauze, all stuff we can use. " Let's go give this one to Dale to keep in the RV" I said. When started walking back to the RV when we saw Daryl and Rick come back out of the woods, " She only twelve she can't be out there on her own" Carol cried out, " It's dark will be tripping over ourself, We won't be able to see anything in the dark"Daryl said. " You didn't find anything" Carol said, " I know this is hard but I'm asking you not to panic, We know she's out there, We have to make this an organized effort", Rick said. " Is that blood" Carol asked while looking at Rick who's white shirt was now stained in red liquid, " We took down a walker, But there was no signs it was ever near Sophia" Rick said. " How can you know that" Andrea asked. " we cut the sum bitch open, made sure" Daryl responded. Carl grabbed ahold on my hand, " Do you think they'll find her" he asked, " Your dad and Daryl are going to do everything they can" I whispered to him and I pulled him in for a hug. Carol had now taken a seat on the guard rail as she tried to catch her breathe, I can only imagine how stressful this was for her. " How could you just leave her out there to begin with" Carol said, " How can you just leave her" Carol said. " Those two walkers were on us, I had to draw them off it was her best chance" Rick responded. " How is she supposed to find her way back on her own she's just a child" Carol cried out. I understand that Carol is upset but she has no right to blame Rick for this, I mean she was told to stay under the car until told to get out and she didn't listen. " It was my only option" Rick said. " My little Girl is left in the woods" She cried out. Lori and Andrea sat next to Carol and comforted her as Rick walked away. " Hey stay her with your mom ok" I said to Carl as I followed Rick.

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