Chapter 2

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Daryl aimed his bow at Tdog and as soon as he did Rick aimed his gun straight at Daryl's head. " I won't hesitate, I don't care if every walked in the city hears it" Rick said. Daryl dropped his bow and looked at all of us, " Anyone have a dew rag or something" He asked. Tdog pulled out a blue bandanna out of his pocket that Daryl used to wrap the hand in. " I guess the saw bland was to dull for the hand cuffs" He said as he examined the hand. " Must be one tuff son of a bitch to saw his own hand off" I replied. " Merle is one crazy tuff son of a bitch" Daryl responded as he walked over to Glenn and stuffed the wrapped hand in Glenn's back pack. Tdog grabbed the tool bag as we all walked back down the stairs, " Merle you in here" Daryl screamed. " Yeah why don't you be a little louder" I said.

We followed a blood trail to a kitchen area, the smell of burnt flesh filled my nose. " What's that burnt stuff" Glenn asked as we looked at the stove that was still on, " Skin" I replied. " He burnt his stump to stop the bleeding" Rick said. " I told you he's tuff" Daryl replied, " Nobody can kill Merle but Merle" Daryl said. " Don't take that with faint, He's lost a lot of blood" Rick replied. " Yeah it didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap" Daryl said. " He left the building, Why the hell would he do that" Glenn asked as we all examined the broken window in front of us. " He out there alone, Surviving" Daryl said. " You call that surviving, Wondering the streets about to pass out, What are his odds out there" Tdog said. " Better then being handcuffed and left to rot by you sorry pricks" Daryl yelled back. " You couldn't kill him, You weren't worried about some dumb dead bastard" Daryl said. " What about 100 dead dumb bastards" Rick replied. " You keep a tally but I'm going to go get him" Daryl said before Rick pushed him back. " Wait" Rick yelled, " Get your hands off me, Can't stop me" Daryl yelled. " I don't blame you, He's family and I get that I went through hell to find mine, I know exactly how you feel, He can't get far with that inquiry. we can help you check a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head" Rick responded. " We can do that" Daryl responded. " Only if we get those guns first, I ain't strolling the streets without them" Tdog stated.

" You ain't doing this alone" Rick said, " It's a good idea just hear me out, If we got out there in a group we're slow and drawing attention, If I'm alone I can move fast, Look that's the tank five blocks from where we are now and this is the ally where we first met" Glenn said as he drawled out a plan with an expo marker on the floor. " I'll take Daryl because his bow is a lot quieter then a gun, While Daryl waits here in the ally I'll run up the street and grab the bag" Glenn said. " What about us " I asked. " You guys will be in this ally two blocks up" Glenn said. " But why" Rick asked. " I may not be able to come back the same way, Walkers might cut me off and if that happens I won't go back to Daryl I'll go forward instead all the way around to the ally where you guys are, Which ever direction I go I got you guys to cover me and after that will all meet back here" Glenn said. " Hey kid what did you do before all of this" Daryl asked, " Delivered pizzas, Why?" Glenn asked.

Me, Tdog and Rick ran up the ally as quickly as we could. We hid behind a wall, I swatted down on my knees so I couldn't be seen while the guys stood on both sides of me. I heard yelling from the distance, " Did y'all hear that" I asked while looking up at Rick, He shook his head and took off running as me and Tdog followed behind him. We ran up the ally until we saw Daryl and some Mexican kid, " I'm going to kick your nuts up into your throat" Daryl screamed at the kid as Rick tried to calm Daryl down. " Who the fuck are you" I asked the kid who was standing against the wall. Instead of responding he just started screaming, I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, " Shut the fuck up" I screamed at him as I held my gun in his face. " I'm going to stomp your ass" Daryl yelled at the kid I had held up by his shirt. " Get to the ladder" Rick screamed out. I grabbed the boy and pushed him in front of me, " You try to run and I won't hesitate to blow your brains out" I yelled as I walked behind him.

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