Chapter /6

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Adira's POV

I wake up in what looks like a cell. There is only one small barred window and a door that seems to be, very well secured. There is only one small bed in the middle of the room, the one I woke up on, and a small video camera across from the bed. I wonder if this camera is on. I get up to check, and to my relief, it's off, I guess for now. All of my belongings are missing, and I haven't had any food since, yesterday. Climbing onto the bed, I decide to look out the window, and notice that I am underground. Why did they have to, bring me here, I ask myself. Is there even a way to get out of this place?

After a while, I hear the door slowly open. Through it I see Deyna coming in, to turn on the camera. I try to talk to her again, and ask her why was I brought here, but she doesn't say a word. The only thing she tells me is to look at the camera the whole time she's gone, and then she leaves. With confusion written on my face, I look at the lens, where above it I see a small note. Without picking it up, I try to carefully read what is written on it. Apparently I will be given a signal, to say these things, while being recorded. The note states, accordingly:

"If it becomes known about the secret organization as a result of carelessness on my part, then the fault will be entirely mine, and I will bear the consequences myself. Do not look for me, in case all trace of me is lost, you will find me no more."

Apparently the other members, want to sacrifice me so that the group won't be revealed. This is all probably due to them, finding out about Jim, and that he knows about us. The worst part is that, it is all really my fault. They won't feel sorry for me, since they clearly don't need me anymore. They will probably get rid of me soon, in one way or another.

Suddenly, I hear someone coming in, once again. This time it is Veronica. She walks up to me, and sits on the bed, facing in my direction. I wonder, if she's willing to help me escape?

"Adira I know, you're the one who stole the jeep." she whispers.

"What? How did you find out? Did someone tell you?" I ask fearfully.

"No, I was there when you did it. I also know that you're, responsible for outsiders to find out about us." she continues.

"Veronica, please help me! You have to, get me out of here!" I start crying, quietly.

"Don't worry, I will do anything I can. When you get asked about it all, I want you to create an alibi, okay? I will do the rest." she says, standing up and, going towards the door.

"Just follow the instructions." she says lastly before walking out.

Kaden's POV

I try to call to Adira, but I still can't get to her. I'm starting to become seriously worried, since I have no idea where she could be. I've been searching for her all night, but right now I'm on my way to see Jim. Hoping that he's awake, already. Arriving at his room, the doctors tell me that he is now conscious and I can visit him. Best case scenario, I will get him to tell me, what has been going on with him and of course, Adira. Walking in, I see Jim's enthusiasm evaporate from his face. He seems very "happy" to see me.

"What do you want?" he scoffs, looking to the side.

"Woah, is that how treat me for saving your life? You know, you could've died in that bathroom!" I respond.

"Very heroic of you! I'd treat you something for that accomplishment, but I have no money left." he says.

"And why is that? Did you perhaps, drink all of them?" I ask him.

"No, not at all. Actually I think you should ask your friend dear friend, about this. She probably knows." Jim smirks, as he tries to get up.

"Careful, now! Don't move, you're too weak! Also, why would she know? Tell me, what exactly is going on between, you two!" I ask.

Jim tells me that Adira, has borrowed money from him once, and refuses to return them. He also says that, he's caught her stealing money from our classmates backpacks during lunchbreak, and threatens her with telling, the principal. Right now, it all makes sense in my head, but something is off. Adira is not the type to steal, she also wouldn't borrow money from Jim, knowing how shady of a person he is.
I think there's still something, that no one seems to be telling me, for some reason.

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