Chapter /8

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Kaden's POV

"Ben? Are you the one behind, all of this?" I freeze in one place.

"Why, did you have to tell on me? Is this how you repay me, for all the years I've helped you?" he says gritting his teeth.

"I don't understand anything! I tried to reach out to you recently, but you didn't pick up. What's going on?" I ask in confusion.

"Adira told me everything. You're the one who told Jim about our business. Apparently you're also the one who stole the jeep, we used for our transport." Ben responds.

"What? That's not true I haven't done any of this! Adira you know it's true, say something!" I turn to her, but she looks away.

I try to talk to Jim too, but he has tape over his mouth, and doesn't seem like he cares, anyways. At least now I understand who is responsible for beating him up, it was Ben the whole time. All of the evidence, is pointing towards me, but I am absolutely innocent.

"Since you're behind all of our troubles, I will have to get rid of you in some way." Ben speaks up.

"But I haven't done anything, believe me! I am not the person who betrayed you!" I try to explain.

"Then why did Veronica agree with Adira, that you're responsible for everything?" he says.

"Adira! How could you? You're throwing the blame on me, why?" I turn around, again looking at her.

"I'm sorry Kaden, I had to blame you, to save myself." she whispers, loud enough only for me to hear.

"Listen up Kaden! The police will be here any minute. Don't waste my time, and let's end it all, already!" Ben yells, pulling walking slowly, towards me.

"Wait, no! Ben, I will cover up for you! I promise, just hear me out!" I take a few steps back.

I can't believe Ben is capable of doing such a thing. What did I get myself into? I also never expected Adira to stand against me. I never thought she would ever, be able to betray me.

"Once the police arrives, you will be here all alone, therefore leaving them no choice, but to arrest you." Ben says.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to do such a thing!" I respond, trying to distract him.

At the same moment, Jim gets himself out of the arms of the bodyguard holding him and runs towards me. He removes the tape from his mouth, as he proceeds to say:

"Kaden is innocent! Adira is the one who stole Mr. Bailey's car! She also gave me half of the money she made, working with you!" Jim shouts.

"Stop lying! Quick get a hold of him!" Veronica interrupts him, pointing to the men.

"I'm telling you the truth! I can show you evidence, but I will need my phone for this!" Jim continues

"Alright, wait! Hand me his phone just in case!" Ben commands.

Meanwhile, one of the guards brings his phone, which reveals messages between Jim and Adira, proving that he is indeed telling the truth. Thanks to this confession of his, I am proven innocent. As all of this is happening we hear police car sirens and Jim grabs my arm and we both break into a run.

"We don't have time to waste, let's go!" he says, while we're both sprinting.

"Jim you almost risked your life, trying to help me. Thank you!" I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Hey, don't think too much about it okay? You saved mine once too! Also I was just telling the truth." he adds.

Both of us hide, behind some bushes near the parking lot, and manage to observe everything in great detail. Arriving, the police captures Ben, Adira, and the others directly at the crime scene. Of course they all get arrested, and will probably end up being sentenced, for a good while. There's no escape for them now. To be honest I don't feel bad, even a little bit, not after being stabbed in the back, this way. Let them get, what they deserve. All I want to do right now is just get home, and have my well deserved rest, knowing that I'm not involved in any of this anymore.

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