Chapter /7

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Adira's s POV

I've been in this basement, for a few days now. I've made friends with the four walls around me, and even though they're cold, they're the only thing to keep me warm late at night. I've barely eaten anything, since Deyna gives me a very little amount of food. She told me that they've confiscated my personal belongings, and I won't see them ever again. She also told me that I would be meeting with the head of the group today, and that he had my video on tape as proof that I was their member. I regret messing with these kind of people, but I was in serious need of money. My family is barely getting by. I live with my mother, and my three sisters, who don't leave me a single coin. It's not easy to survive this way.

In this exact moment Veronica, the other girl from the group, walks in. She tells me it's time for me to meet the founder, so I follow her outside to a parking lot.
He's standing there, meters away from me, surrounded by guards.

Kaden's POV

I'm in history class right now, and I hear my phone ringing. I asked the lady if I could go out to pick up and after a lot of persuasion she let me. Ben calls to tell me he has a very important job for me right now. Why now? It sounds like it's pretty serious, so I decide to accept. I tell my history teacher that I have to leave immediately as I have important work to do, and that she its related to my mother, and she agrees to let me go.
Ben sends me the location of our meeting, and I call a taxi, in order to get there.

Arriving at the said place, I find myself in a remote and desolated parking lot outside of town. There seems to be no one there until I see two suspicious looking guys slowly approach me.
I get my defenses up, as I carefully try to walk away, but they seem to notice my nervous behavior. One of the guys, just tells me to follow them, and they lead me to a basement, in an abandoned building. There I see no one else, but Adira. I try to get inside but they don't let me, instead they tell me to keep on walking through a corridor that leads to another empty room in which I see Jim tied to a chair.

"What is all of this? Why are you keeping them here? Who are you?" I ask frantically.

"No time for questions, you will find out in a bit." one of the men says, as he shoves me in another separate room.

As I stand here I notice a small video camera pointed right at me. Next to it I notice, a note that says "Play the first video, Kaden." I turn on the camera, and I see a recording of Adira. In the clip, she explains how she is a member of some criminal group, and also that this will most likely be the last evidence left of her. At this time, I hear the door open, and see one of those men again.
He tells me to go to Adira because she wanted to talk to me one last time. Hearing this, I immediately run to her cell, and the man allows me to enter.

"Adira! Are you alright?" I ask running up to her.

"I am, don't worry. Just a little tired." she says forcing a smile.

"I will try to get you out of here, I promise!" I say reassuring her.

"Don't try, it's pointless, they will hurt you too. I was told to give you this." she passes me a note that says:

"After you see Adira, meet me at the rooftop of the building."

"Don't worry, I'll be right back, hang in there." I whsiper, as I run up to the rooftop.

There I see the same two men. Also two girls leading Adira, and another one holding a gun. Afterwards another comes up bringing Jim over here too, and as I stand here in the middle of all this, completely lost, I hear a voice speak up, from behind me.

"Kaden, you shouldn't have done this."

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