The road trip

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Veronica then pulls up to kevins house and kevin comes running out and hops an the car in put his suit cases in the back an veronica seems worried an says

Veronica: you okay kevin

Kevin: yea im cool 

Kevin: I had to get out before josie asked me where another thing was at that bitch woke me up at 5 looking for some shoes

Veronica: damn I feel bad for you Kev

Kevin: me to 

Betty just laughed and said

Betty: kev she does know were here right

Kevin: yea she does she on her way out

Archie: wussup Kev

Kevin: wussup archie

Veronica honks the horn

Kevin: she just texted she coming right now 

Josie come out the house an puts her suit cases in the car an sit down and says

Josie: really kevin keller

Kevin: what 

Josie: you left me 

Veronica: we all was finna leave you 

Betty: damn

Archie: oh damn

Josie: haha veronica

Josie: No seriously kevin

Kevin: you woke me up at 5 jos

Josie: im sorry I just wanted to fined thoses were from my dad

Kevin: its cool I understand 

Kevin: alright were to next 

Betty: the devils house I mean cheryls house

Kevin: damn betty that is your cousin

Betty: I know I just tired of keeping her secret

Betty face goes red 


Betty: yessss

Veronica: oh you told me that

Kevin: you told vee before me

Betty: I didnt say nothing to her I just told her that cheryl wanted me to keep a secret

Kevin: what is the secret

Betty: I cant say 

Kevin: fine

Then veronica drives to cheryls house

Veronica honks the horn

Cheryl walks out and red pants an white shirt with her spider broch as if she got dress but everyone else are and pjs she gets and the car and veronica askes

veronica: cheryl why you all dressed up

Cheryl: im not but anyways I couldnt walk out what I had on or someone was going to be jealous

Betty: how bad was your outfit 

Cheryl gets out the car and going back inside an changes and brings the clothes she had on outside with her and kevin says

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