Our Time Together

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Toni: Put your head down, be quiet and don't look up, I'm serious babe.

Cheryl: Okay I get it, shit.

Toni grabs Cheryl hand and holds it as she starts walking, Cheryl is confused she doesn't know were Toni is leading her. 

Cheryl: Toni where are we going-

Before Cheryl could finish, Toni caught her off.

Toni: I said be quiet.

Cheryl rolled her eyes.


It felt like me and Toni was walking forever, we started to step onto dirt, I could feel the sticks and leaves under my heel. After walking for a little Toni finally said "You can look up babe."

I lifted my head up. "I'm so confused Toni, why are we here." It was by a river, maybe sweet waters is connected to it, I couldn't stop thinking bout it. 

Cheryl: Toni I don't wanna be here. (Cheryl starts rubbing her hands together

Toni: Why.?

I never told Toni what happened.

Cheryl: W-well after I tried to- neverminded why are we here.

Toni: No worries babe you'll tell when you ready, I'm not pushing.

Cheryl: I tried to kill myself...( I blurted out

Everything went quiet, I looked down on the ground, I didn't want to tell her but she my girlfriend. I didn't move after saying that, I stood still not wanting to look at Toni's face. 

Maybe she thinking how stupid I am. who can blame her, it was stupid. Trying to kill myself, I cant believe I just told Toni that.


Cheryl started to overthink about telling Toni, she did know how Toni was gonna react. Until she felt some soft words flow out of Toni's mouth.

Toni: I'm sorry babe ( Toni gives Cheryl a hug

Cheryl wanted to break down by Toni's words but didn't. "I understand if you don't wanna tell me but, can I ask why.?" 

Cheryl heart broke into a million pieces, she mumbled out "Because of what had happened to Jason."

After that day Toni and Cheryl realized that they need each other and how they cant live without each other, that they are the only good thing that has happened to them.

[4 weeks later]


I had just walked into the apartment. I know Cheryl had been through a lot the passed four weeks, she in her mom started getting into a lot of arguments, so now she stays with me in my new apartment, well not stay but she here all the time. We haven't really got to spend much time together tho.

Kind of glad I only got to pay 23 dollars every month for rent, Fangs made a deal with the manger in now I got and apartment. My nana doesn't know that Cheryl stays with me, if she found out she would kill me in tell me to come home. Her letting me get this apartment was her trusting me I don't want to ruin that.

^Remember this^

I then heard Cheryl yell my name from my room, actually our room, making me lose my train of thought.



Cheryl: CMERE

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