Telling everyone

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At five me in cheryl woke up to get to this stupid hotel. we get to the hotel in say are goodbyes

Toni: love you cher 

Cheryl: love you TT

I hugged her in I went to jugheads room which was freakin Floor 5 room 34 I didnt know they had elevators so I walked up all them damn stairs I then knocked on jughead door he opened it

Jughead: Oh look who it is

Toni: Hi to you to jug

Jughead: come in

I then walk inside 

Jughead: what took you so long 

Toni: They dont have elevators 

Jughead starts laughing

Archie starts laughing 

Toni: what

Jughead says while laughing

Jughead: There are elevators 

 Toni: WHAT

Jughead: shhhh


Jughead: yes 

Toni: Omg 

Jughead: spill

Toni: wym

Jughead: oh yea archie 

Toni: yea

Archie: someone say my name

Toni: Archie I needa tell you something

Archie: wussup

Toni: okay well me in

Archie: you in jughead are dating omg I gotta tell betty

Toni: Archie what

Jughead: just shut up man

Toni: forreal

Archie: oh

Toni: anyways me in cheryl are dating

Archie: wait......CHERYL

Toni: yes

Archie: Thats must who you been with all night

Toni: yes we had great night

Jughead: okay now he knows how was the sex

Toni: we didnt have sex only because we've never done it

Archie: cheryls never had sex 

Toni: well atleast Ive never have 

Jughead: what

Toni: Ive never done it especially to a girl

Archie: u got some learning to do

Toni: I know 

Jughead: bro were gonna teach you some moves 

Toni: ight im down


After I left toni I went on to the elevator 

When I got to the room I knocked on the door

Veronica answered the door

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