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Betty, with a concerned look on her face, gently guided me into the bathroom. My mind was racing. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves.

Cheryl: How could a single test hold so much power? [before picking the test up

And reached for the pregnancy test on the counter. As I held the test in my trembling hands, Betty stood by my side, offering silent support. And then, it happened. The two lines, vivid and life-changing, came into focus. My eyes widened, and my heart skipped a beat.

 Cheryl: Oh my gosh, I'm pregnant! 

I stood frozen in the bathroom, my hands trembling as I clutched the small plastic stick in disbelief. I dropped the pregnancy test to the floor, and my heart skipped a beat. The little plastic stick rolled away.

Betty grabbed my hand, my fingers trembling slightly, I'm sweating like crazy. 

Betty: Cheryl, let's go sit down. I know this is a lot for you

We made our way towards the bed, and as we sat.


Toni: Sweetpea can you shut up were supposed to watching and silence

Sweetpea: Hey I get bored very easily and plus I don't know why jug put us together you could have been with fangs for all I care!

Toni: Oh shut up you know you love working with me you big baby, now play nice its my birthday.

Sweetpea: I don't care and I do actually but you always treat me like shit!

Toni: You treat me like shit, and stop yelling. [I rolled my eyes

Sweetpea: I don't treat you like shit!

Toni: Sweetpea why are you complaining you know this is how we treat each other

Sweetpea: I know, that's why I'm making a big deal, to get onnnn your nervesss

My phone started ringing, jolting me from the intense stakeout. With a sense of urgency, I picked it up, expecting just another stupid call from jughead. But as I glanced at the screen, a smile stretched across my face. It was Cheryl, my baby girl.

Cheryl: Shut up, Sweets, my baby's calling 

I whispered to Sweetpea, trying not to disrupt the operation. Sweetpea stopped talking and stared intently. I answered my girlfriend call.

Toni: Hi red, do you know what today is

Cheryl: Hi jewel and yes but, T-Toni I need you to come home its important

Toni: What's wrong babe?

Cheryl: I got to tell you in person this isn't an over the phone thing...

Toni: Okay I'm on my way right now.

Cheryl: Good-

My phone had died, leaving me disconnected from my worried girlfriend. Frustration welled within me. In that moment, I remembered the trusty portable charger tucked away in my bag. However, as I opened the charger, a peculiar realization dawned upon me it was drained of all its power. Sweetpea used up all the juice "Shit" I said before getting up.

Sweetpea: Were you going

Toni: Cheryl needs me text fangs to come help you.

I left the stakeout and headed home, a sense of unease gripping me as I couldn't help but wonder why Cheryl sounded so concerned on the phone. Racing through the streets on my bike. Arriving at the building, I cursed realizing the elevator was out of order. I sprinted up the staircase, my heart pounding in my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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