Consequences Have Actions...

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Todays my birthday! an It's been two more weeks since Cheryl decided to move in with me, and to be honest, it hasn't been easy. With our conflicting schedules, we hardly see each other, and it's starting to take a toll on our relationship I hope we can spend my birthday together. 

I hate how Jughead has been pushing me to work like crazyyy especially on my birthday. I asked him for a day off this dude said and I quote "Do you see it on your schedule, no that's what I thought get back to work Toni!" I realized that if I wanted to spend time with Cheryl, I would have to take matters into my own hands. It was time to set priorities straight and find a balance between work and personal life, no matter what Jughead said.

I came into work a little late.. on purpose can you blame me its my birthday.

Jughead: Toni what the hell your later as fuck right now!

Toni: Okay so...Its my birthday..

Jughead: If your late again, you wont have a job, now go ask Sweetpea what your supposed to be doing!

Toni: So no happy birthday...

He walked out my face into his "Office."

I rolled my eyes and walked to Sweetpea to ask him what were doing today.

Toni: Yo sweets

Sweetpea: Oh wussup tiny, you late as hell

Toni: Tell me something I don't know.

Sweetpea: Your ugly...

Toni: Sweets, ugh what are we supposed to be doing today

Sweetpea: Well were supposed to do another stake out

Toni: Again damn, we just did one 🤦🏽‍♀️

Sweetpea: I know I know, but its going to be just me in you soooo

Toni: Oh hell I'm gonna die

Sweetpea: Hey! what is that supposed to mean

Toni: I'm going to lose my mind if I work with you

Sweetpea: I was going to tell you happy birthday but never mind

Toni laughed.

Sweetpea rolled his eyes

Sweetpea: Well were finna go so hurry up.

Toni grabbed her bag and her emergency portal able charger. And left to the stake out.


I had just gotten home, and I knew Toni wouldn't be here yet I couldn't wait to tell her happy birthday. But she always arrived late at night. 

As I stepped into the house, a wave of panic rushed through me. I thought my period had arrived unexpectedly. Hurrying to the bathroom, my mind raced with worry that it had leaked through. There was no sign of my period. But it had been eight weeks since my last one, almost a month late. And that was unusual for me. My periods usually followed a consistent schedule.

I tried to push away my growing concern, reminding myself that stress or changes in lifestyle could cause irregularity like what me in Toni was going through. But deep down, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something wasn't right.

A wave of panic wash over me as I realized the implications of me missing a period. Unsure of who to turn to, I quickly picked up my phone to text someone for advice. Trust was not something that came easily to me, but there was one person I knew I could count on was Toni.

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