The date 2

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Okay so me and fangs finish setting up then I order cheryls absolute favorite dinner which is vegan sweet potato cauliflower Ravioli I rather have pizza but its cool I then order it from her favorite vegan place Tabitha browns vegan place ( not an actually place ) Then I ordered her favorite Fruit cherrys then I ordered sum her favorite vegan candys such as Mamba Fruit Chews, Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, Skittles, Jolly Ranchers I then remeber that I need to set up the closet so I then asked fangs to do it for me ofc he did then he said this 

Fangs: Toni wheres the blankets were gonna need alot

Toni: Okay okay get the ones off the bed and Ill check theses closets

Fangs: okay

Toni then checks the closet and as she opens it a whole bunch of blankets and pillows come tumbling down toni then screams


Fangs: WHAT


Fangs walks out the door and say

Fangs: Whats wrong no-

Toni: Help me fangs

Fangs then pick up the stuff off toni and takes it to the room. Toni picks up the rest of the blankets and pillows and puts it inside the closet when I get to the closet I see LED Light then I say

Toni: Fangs you out did yourself 

Fangs: I know but I just want it to be perfect for yall first date because Its a special thing  

Toni then gives fangs a hug

Toni: Thank you so much fangs

Fangs: No problem Tiny

Fangs: well I better get going isnt she gonna be here soon 

Toni: yea your totally right 

Fangs then leaves and toni sets the food and the closet but she remebers she needs to text betty and jughead

Toni and betty gc

Toni added Jughead

Toni: Yall

Jughead: yes

Betty: wussup

Toni: can yall get a hotel and if anyone askes cheryl got her own room and Im with thboys for betty and im with the girls for jughead

Betty: ofc toni whatever you need

Jughead: cool no problem

Toni: Thanks 

Toni then turns off her phone and waits for cheryl to pull up at 6:30 cheryls uber then pulls up and I see this beautiful girl with red hair walk out the car she was wearing my favorite shirt I love on her Its her red swimsuit bra and also a nice red jacket with MY SHORTS I love thoses shorts mannnnnnn anyways they look hotter on her Plus she has her red bottoms on they look so nice I then see she began to walk up so I waited till I heard her foot steps and Opened the door 

Toni Opens the door 

Cheryl: Oh hey pearl Im back sorry I know I was suppose to be here at 6:00 but I was thirty minutes away sooo my bad

Toni: Its okay pumpkin we have the whole lodge to are selfs because Everyone is getting a hotel Because I wanted the house so we can have a date night

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