The lodges lodge

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Veronica: WERE HERE

Everyone: YESSSSSS

Veronica then pulls into the drive way and says

Veronica: alright everyone out 

Betty: damn I'm ready to sleep

Veronica: same bee

Betty then yells 


Kevin then yells back

Kevin: ILL DO IT 

Kevin: yo jos can you wake up the red queen

Josie: but you just said you were going to do it

Kevin: please

Josie: fine

Kevin: thank you jos

Josie: Mhm.. you owe me

Kevin: alright

Josie then walks to the back to wake Cheryl up and when Josie opens the door she says

Josie: CHERYL WAKE U- your already up...

Cheryl: duh I've been up for hours I was just drawing

Josie: oh alright can I see what you drew

Cheryl: no because it personal

Josie: oh alright will were getting off now

Cheryl: Oh sweet sweet dickcat I know

Josie: Pussycat 

Josie then walks away an rolls her eyes 

Kevin: You good jos

Josie: don't ever ask me to wake her up again


Cheryl then walks out 

Everyone goes inside the lodges home and just set all there suit cases down an betty says

Betty: Okay everyone come here


Betty: alright room buddies

Betty: Me and jug

Betty: Ronnie and Archie

Betty: Kevin and Josie

Betty: Cheryl and Toni

Jughead then whispers to betty

Jughead: I don't think that's a good idea you know Toni and Cheryl

Betty: I know but Josie said she don't wanna be with Cheryl an so did Kevin sooo

Jughead: oh damn alright

Betty: everyone got that 

Toni: wait who I share with again

Betty: Cheryl

Toni: cool

Cheryl: Wait I share with the serpents trash

Toni: Hey redheaded bitch come say that to my face

Cheryl: Sure do you want me to get you a stool or you want me to bend down

Toni: Oh my god I'm gonna strangle you

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