Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Spilling Beans

Coiny's P.O.V:

"You know we can talk, right?"

I blinked, peeking down at Firey, who was standing, looking back up at me inquisitively.

The statement caught me off guard, especially from him, of all people. Yet I only stared back as I leaned against the railing, stuck; incapable of responding. It was as if my brain was lagging, stopping every so to process the info. Even if it was a simple question, I faltered.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah. I–I know," I said back, my words running soft at the end.

It had been half an hour since I started my shift watching over him, and I didn't know how to talk to him. Well, more like the words were stuck in my head, not knowing how to communicate. I didn't know how to talk. It was weird.

"So, anything fun going on out there? Any more meetings from Golfball?" he asked, placing his hands against his hip.

It wasn't uncommon for him to ask questions like these. He had started a couple of weeks after they had locked him up, but as of recently, he hadn't. He'd just stay quiet, looking at the mountains and hills of magenta grass. I'd try to start a conversation for fun, but it never went far, so I'd drop it like a dime.

I kept quiet, trying to think of something important. "No, not really. I mean, Pin is walking faster, so that's good. She's thinking of baking again, so I can probably bring you something you'd like," I said, placing my hand against my chin, hoping to find something of interest.

"Wait, you'd do that for me?" Although it was soft, I heard it. His voice was strained as he asked. A smile came to my face. "Yeah, dude. Why wouldn't I?"

He looked away, silently walking to the edge of the cage before replying. "Cause you'd get in trouble."

Huh. It was a fair point he brought up. Golfball would chastise me, as if she was my mom, despite being the same height as me. Pin would forgive me after a few days or so. And everyone else—well, I'd have someone else up here with me during my shift.

Thinking about it, not that bad.

"Pin and GB might be mad, but besides that, it's not a big deal. I've done worse," I said.

I've definitely done worse.

Firey hummed, looking back at me with a grin painted on his face. "Can you bring me some sugar cookies? Or some chocolate chips?"



It was an elated remark, one that made me laugh. It reminded me of before he got stuck up here. Before his unfair trial and all the chaos that ensued. How we both made fun of each other, and how he loved to pass by and hang out.

A start of something that ended too soon.

"Ya know Coiny, I miss their taste. I wonder how Pin bakes them—"

I interrupted him without a thought, my mind speaking before thinking.

"Firey, are you sure you don't remember her?"

He stopped speaking, mild surprise gleaming in his eyes as he did. He stayed quiet, ushering himself, backing away to the edge. There was an unintelligible mix and a flurry of words, unable to decipher them.


An exasperated sigh left his mouth as he hung his head in defeat, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why do you all ask me the same thing about her? I do not know who this Leafy girl is!"

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