Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The magenta grass crunched with every step I took. The gentle breeze swayed through the bushes and trees planted on the sidewalk. My head was stuck to the concrete floor.

I was heading to my shift. The one thing I hated to more than anything.

The shade of the buildings as I dug myself deeper into the abandoned city grew bigger by the second. I could hear the chitter-chatter of Gelatin and Fries grow with every stride I took. They were arguing, like usual. The chipper in Gelatin's voice made me feel uncomfortable. How they took this in as so normal as nothing happened.

Gelatin stopped his midway a sentence, causing Fries to turn his head towards me. An eager smile grew on the green-haired kid. "Coiny! How's it going bud?"

I batted my eye away from them as I entered Yoyle Needy through the front doors. Taking in a slight step in I could hear a barely audible mutter from Fries. "Good try, kid."

The seemingly infinite staircase that spiraled up to the balcony was infuriating. Though I only took my shift twice a week, it was a living nightmare to climb the damn thing. Step after step, trying to get up as fast as possible, I had finally made it.

I pushed open the grey metallic door, stepping into the light of day again. Needle, who leaned against the balcony, turned to me. I could see the wave of relief flood over her.

"Hey, Coiny."

I mustered up a forced smile as I greeted her. "Hi, Needle." I stood next to her as we overlooked the city. The sound of the gentle wind was calming.

"Your friend is trapped inside, remember." Fear echoed through his voice with every word.

I sighed. His voice made me want to crumble up and die. Implode even. I just didn't want to hear his voice. I softly bandaged my head against the railing of the balcony, just wishing for death.

I could feel Needle roll her eyes as she let out a sigh. "See ya later."

And with that, she was gone. Walking down the stairs as the door she had just gone through hit the security lock with a quick snap. I kept my focus on the city. At least, I was trying. His ashes and embers kept flying into the sky, obscuring the look of the city. Firey was a safety hazard for literally everything and everyone.

"Hey, Coiny."

I didn't say anything. I could sense the fear in his voice. The sound of the chain holding the cage over the sky jangled with his movements. -

"Coiny, please."

I felt my body slowly start to tremble. The view got glossier as I felt bad. Felt guilty. Felt so, stupid.

"Coiny. Come o-"

"What do you want me to do?" I frantically yelled down at him. I could feel the tears start to prick the ends of my eyes as I saw him down there.

He only looked up at me. The anxiety torn across his face made me shivers. He let out a chuckle laced with dread. "Can you please get me out?"

I stared at over the railing. I wasn't 3 minutes into the shift and he was already doing this. "I-"

I couldn't say anything. I wanted to get him out of there. I wanted to do something good. But just the idea of me being killed for ever was terrorizing. Everything came tumbling down. I took a step back before I felt my mind collapse. A heavy sigh left my throat. 

Not today, I thought. 

We didn't talk all that much. We weren't supposed to. But in the small times we did, it was always him trying to get out of there. I tried my best to ignore him. Except during rainy days. I tried to give him enough company on those days. Even if it was silent.

I sat down in the shade, just close enough for me to hear him. My mind wandered, trying to find answers admist a sea of questions. It had been a week since that night. Being slapped in the face by a sign. Thinking about all my stupidity. 


I turned to her usual fire camp spot. Nothing. Even if we were over 600 feet in the air, one could barely see a thing. She probably did nothing this early in the morning. Not like she had much to do. 

"Hey Firey."


I stayed silent for a quick second. Maybe I was dumb. Maybe I just felt bad. Regardlessly, I sighed at the sheer dumbness I had to ask. 

"What do you remember about Leafy?"

I stayed staring at the view of the city, waiting for the guy to respond to my question - that is, if he even responded me. And he didn't. Firey stayed quiet, the sounds of birds chirping from afar filling the air. 

"Who's Leafy?"

Maybe he genuinely didn't remember. In that case, we had accused someone innocent as guilty. I let out a muffled groan as I buried my face into my hands. My head hurt more than what it should. I hated being trapped here. It always felt like suffocating in quicksand. 

Amidst all the suffication and drowning whithin a sea of questions, a small idea had flourished in my head. 

Whether it was idiotic or brilliant was left to debate. Yet what had crossed my head was something that could just hopefully answer one question.

How was Leafy surving out there?


WOOOOO!! That took longer than expected. I'm sorry for taking longer than expected. I've just been busy with school and my personal life got messy. But I am back and I'm excited because in the time I was gone, I had time to think about the storyline more in detail. So yeeaaaah!

Also,  I did this on my phone based on Chapter 2, 

Also,  I did this on my phone based on Chapter 2, 

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Honestly it sucks but it could of been worse. So yeeeeeee. Um yeah. 

(P.S. This should book should be updated every Wednesday btw)


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