Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
An Awkward and Personal Attack

Third Person P.O.V.


The knock on the door startled him, nearly letting go of the broom handle in his hand.

For a Saturday, it was quite slow and more leisurely than he had been anticipating, to which stirred boredom in his head. With a begrudging sigh, he forced himself out of the armchair he had been sitting in the past hour, setting aside the once-open book on the stand beside him. He hadn't read more than a few pages of the red-covered book, the slew of words having lost his attention. Attention that needed to be fed through movement, of any sort.

Pin glanced up from her book at the sudden motion, confusion trickling into her head, quickly turning into concern. "You good, Coiny?"

He stopped in his tracks, turning back to face her. "Yeah," he said, trailing into a question. "Why?"

Bashfully she looked down at her book, "I just thought—" She stopped herself, shaking her head at the thought. "Nevermind. But where are you going?"

Mouth agape, he spun completely back to her, pressing both his hands together. Unsure of what to say he found himself saying, "I forgot to broom earlier today." He hadn't but if he spent another minute sitting down, he'd probably die from boredom.

"Oh, okay," she said with a smile on her face. She promptly returned to reading, her focus enveloped in the novel in her hands.

Another knock.

"Someone's knocking!" shouted Pin, her attention still on the book.

It snapped him out of his thoughts of earlier, causing him to pace himself to the front door, setting the broom against the wall. Another one. He could feel their impatience even behind the door. With a flick of the wrist, he opened the door, his calm demeanor turning sour at the sight.

Golf Ball and Tennis Ball.

TB carried a satchel by his hip, an eager smile on his face. GB, on the other hand, rolled her eyes, while starring at a backpack. "About time you opened," she said.

"You knocked 3 times in one minute."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. We're here for the dirt samples that I inquired about."

It took a second for the ball to start rolling in his head, smacking his hand on his forehead when it came into thought. "OH! Right. That..." Was he supposed to let them in? Some instinct of his was against the idea of those two near him and Pin but denying them access would only make him suspicious. And Leafy had said to just treat her friendly.

As friendly as I can be with her, I guess.

"Come in. I was in the middle of sweeping, so I'm sorry if it looks messy."

The yellow wallpaper brought some glow to the building as he opened the door for them. The squeak of the door hinge got Pin's attention, looking up to see Golf Ball and Tennis Ball come in from the hallway.

"Oh, hey TB and GB," she greeted, closing the book with her bookmark in place. Setting it aside, she got up, waving at the unexpected guest, only getting a wave back from TB.

"They're here for the dirt samples I told you about," affirmed Coiny. Golf Ball nodded as her lab partner searched through his satchel. "It shouldn't take more than, what? 5 to maybe 10 minutes?"

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