Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
For the Worse

Coiny's P.O.V.

I stared at the ceiling, my eyes wide awake as heard the wind flow through the grass outside. Again, for the fourth time this week. With every passing second, I could feel the sting in my eyes as the ceiling began to strain them. The image of the stars twinkling in the Goiky sky ran through my head. With a blink, it was gone.

I took a breathe in and a harsh exhale before I turned to my side, facing the nightstand that sat directly across my face. The small clock sat there, with its bold red font reading 1:58 A.M.

It was practically 2 in the morning and I was. Awake. Sleep was a necessary thing, but for me, it was always 'unnecessary' in a way. I just couldn't sleep, at all.

A groan left my mouth as I threw myself up and sat on the edge of my bed. The grey carpet only a few centimeters from touching my foot.

I got up. Slipping on my red shoes I walked towards the little cabinet on the side of the wall to put on my carnation pink shorts. A small snap on the fingers and my shorts were on.

On the head on the bed hung my bomber jacket. And with a tug, I pulled the sweater towards me and made way to the front door.

The wooden hallway creaked with each step I took. Slowly pacing my way to the front door, I finally reached it. The moonlight seeping through the small glass window of the door. I pressed the palm of my hand against the cold doorknob and opened it. The cool fresh air hit my face as I felt a smile encase my face.

Taking in a deep breath in, I closed the door behind me. I steadily walked off the old oak porch and began walking down the empty street of the city. The park. I wanted to be at the park.

Though it had been 3 months since we had all moved in the city, I still wasn't adjusted to it. It all felt off. Like I was floating in an emptiness of nothing. Maybe it was just that I missed the old green grass that had always been underneath us.

I was slowly picking up the pace as my mind raced with the incoherent thoughts tumbling through my brain.

Maybe I just missed the stars twinkling overhead us ever night. Maybe it was just that is was enjoyable. I was always remi-

I felt my face sting as I stumbled backwards, my train of thoughts crashing along with me. I looked forward as I suddenly realized what I had crashed into. A car sign...

I sighed as I hung my head. This day couldn't get any worse. I ran my hand through my messy hair as I turned to see where I even was. The flickering streetlights didn't help as they just left a smudged imprint of light across the street for a millisecond.

The sight of bench appeared the more I squinted on the ends of the street. It was a park bench. That was all I needed to know.

I slowed my pace as I walked there. Didn't need to have another street sign smack me across the face. I finally reached it. The park. I sat down on the bench, as I took a deep breath in.

I started into the darken sky barely lit with any stars. I scoffed. I really did miss Goiky and all its weirdness. The constant horseplay and competition. Not like anyone won the prize...

Suddenly, I felt memories tumbling down on me; Leafy.

I could only imagine what she was doing out there. I turned to the usual spot where the smoke erupted every now and then. I was left with myself to ponder.

Since chasing down after Leafy, nothing was the same.

We had started Season 2 not long after and everyone seemed to no longer care about her whereabouts. Not like I cared either. I never did.

Until I saw Firey in that cage. We had barely made amends and were getting to know each other after years of unreasonable hatred. And then he was tossed in the cage and was left to fend for himself.

Firey was now in a cage hanging on the side of YoyleNeedle. Why? Because he had helped Leafy escape.

I cringed at the thought. Being sentenced to the death penalty over stealing was harsh. And helping someone escape that situation and being punished as well, wasn't any better.

I felt bad for them. Ever since we all stood around in a circle watching Firey trapped in that cage as he was practically yelling for them to stop. To lower the cage. Saying that he didn't know who Leafy was. I could see him start to cry. I could hear the pain and fear in his eyes.

Everyone else just stared at him, a small smile that could be easily read as "finally".

That was the day I felt something was wrong.

I sighed once more.

It's not like I did anything against it. If I were to have said something, I could have been thrown in the cage with him as well. Or mayb e even worse. I they had a death penalty for stealing, I could have possibly been slaughtered for saying something against them.

I ran my hand through my hair, every part of me drowning regret. If I had just said something, anything, maybe Fiery would still be here.

I gave a small glance up to the sky. The deserted sky without a star in sight.

Everything changed, for the worse.

Sorry for the late chapter. I had to revise this chapter a couple of times since it felt off in a couple of parts.

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