Log - 8: Sunohara-Sou Burglary

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Artwork by: Leila2015 (DeviantArt)


*hmm~ hmm~ hmm~*

A woman was humming as she's cooking on the kitchen. Her name is Ayaka Sunohara, the caretaker of Sunohara's Dormitory. She has a soft smile and bright eyes that shines in the sunrays streaming through the window.

She looks up at the clock, it's only seven pm, yet she is almost finished with preparing dinner. It was a quiet night at the Sunohara Dormitory. Since it's holiday, everyone had gone home and there were no loud ruckus in any of the rooms.

The only sounds coming from the kitchen are the clanking of pots and utensils and her soft hums of the song she's been singing. She goes back to cooking, putting ingredients into different bowls and stirring them.

Suddenly the doorbell rings, startling her.

"Just a minute!"

She calls out, setting down the wooden spoon, shutting off the stove, and walking towards the front door. When she opened it, a mysterious person was stand in her doorway.

"Erm, you... who are you?"

The person was dressed all in black, stared at her. Ayaka looked at his face but could not see anything other than darkness. It was like he didn't have a face at all.

The unexpected visitor entered the house to Ayaka's confusion.

"Umm.... What do you want?"

She took a couple step back, feeling intimidated by the man in front of her.

"That was all none of your business."

The intruder's dark shadow crept along the walls. The door behind him slowly closed, followed with a click sound of the door that's locked. Feeling Anguished, the caretaker couldn't move...

"You better calm yourself down. You don't want to make it a painful experience, do you?"

He pull out a knife to threaten her.

"Oh my-,... Please don't. I won't resist."

Ayaka raise her hand in fear.

"Yeah, You'd better."

The criminal searched around for tools to bind the lady. He ripped some plug cord from the wall, then he proceeded to put it on Ayaka's body to tie her hands together.

He twisted the woman's arms, thanks to his brute force, he managed to pulled her arms against her back.

He twisted the woman's arms, thanks to his brute force, he managed to pulled her arms against her back

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"Ouch, it hurts!"

The girl complaints didn't matter to the intruder who used the plug cord to tie her wrists with a tight knot.

"Why... Why did you...? What do you want?"

She asks nervously, feeling scared. Her voice quivered, tears beginning to form in the corner of her eyes. The intruder ignored her question.

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