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Barry has still been taken by The Dominators and has barry unconsciousness but Barry is in a dream world seeing his parents what he could have done if he went back in time but back in  land Sara is furious about what happened she calls Amaya to get waverider to check any sign "Sara it gonna be ok we going to save Barry" said Oliver "what if it to late I can't lose him Ollie I can't lose him after we just got together I don't want him to leave me like I lost my sister after all shit I have done to her Barry wants to protect me but I want to protect him too" says Sara hypervalent Oliver brought her in a hug  as she cried "Barry going to be ok Sara he strong he been through a lot he get by this with our help we save him" Oliver comforted her "thanks Ollie" she said and let go dry her eyes and went over to check with Felicity.

Dream World

Barry woke up happy he got out of bed and went downstairs and saw his mom and Dad "hey mom hey dad" he hugged them "what got you in the good mood" said Henry "oh it's Sara Lance isn't it Barry" said Nora "what no" he blushed "of course it is your in luck we going to Star City to see Quinten and Dinah see the queens family see Oliver and Laurel get Married" said Nora "that great" said Barry "but first you said you going to see Caitlin and Ronnie in Jittles your best friend remember she is pregnant" said Henry "Oh yeah thanks dad reminded me you know how I get" said Barry smiling hugging his parents again "you are being weird today my beautiful boy" said Nora "I just love you two so much" said Barry and he took his keys and left being happy.

Barry entered Jittles See Ronnie and Caitlin who has a big bump "hey loverbirds" he smiles they laughed and Caitlin side hugs Barry "hey Barry how are you" asked Caitlin "I am good how are you two and baby" he said "we good and Baby is kicking away Ronnie Jnr will be a good soccer player" said Ronnie "so you seeing Sara today at the wedding for Ollie and Laurel "asked Caitlin "yeah" Barry says "we were invited but with this and how tired I get you men so lucky you don't have to feel what we pregnant woman have to go through" Caitlin smirked Barry and Ronnie rolled their eyes "come on cait at the end you and Ronnie have a little bundle of joy forget all the bad things that come with it" said Barry.

Real World 

Nate and Amaya had found one of the ships as they located Barry but they came to Star Labs Hanger with the waverider to collect Sara Oliver Cisco and Firestorm they went to ship Barry  was in Nate Oliver Firestorm and Amaya fought the aliens as Sara and Cisco found Barry they turned off the machine and Barry woke up "Barry" said Sara but Barry didn't say anything "we need to go" says Oliver coming back "let go Barry" said Sara taking his hand  they went back to waverider and Sara took Barry in the med bay in the ship "Barry talk to me" says Sara "I am fine" he said  with a bit of harsh she stayed with him holding his hand he slept "what did they do to you" she whispers she got up and kiss his head and left to bridge see the heroes "How is he" said Oliver "I don't know I asked him to talk to me he just said 'I am fine' in a harsh tone"  Sara says "we get Caitlin to look at him when we get back" said Cisco Sara nod and went to Captains deck and pour some whiskey out in glass and drink it.

Once they got back Caitlin check on him everyone asked how he is but he ignored them "Barry please talk to us what happened up there did they say anything" said Iris " THEY BROKE ME JUST LIKE EVERYONE WHO WE FACE" he shouted shocking them "Barry what did you see" asked Caitlin Barry had tears "It doesn't matter anymore because our life will never be like that so what is the point if I tell you" said Barry "you saw your parents" says Oliver "yes I think I made wrong choice I think I should have went back in time" said Barry "no you know the risk" said Cicso "so you rather some aliens show me a life I could of had amazing life instead this sad broken world same crap every single day" says Barry Sara came over and touch his cheek with her hand "what did you saw" she asked gently he sighs "you were still in star city I was still in central city but we met because my mom and dad mention you and Laurel was still alive she was getting married to Oliver your parents didn't break up Oliver parents still alive before me and my parents went to Star city I went to Jittles to see my best friend in that whole dream you Caitlin married and it was ronnie you were pregnant it was a big bump and Ronnie called the baby ronnie jnr don't you see if I go back in time we can all have that life don't you want that be happy" said Barry scaring them "but what cost" Caitlin said in tears "I am sorry but aliens back" says Felicity "I think you stay behind Barry" said Sara looking at him and kissing his lips "we talk more after" she whisper he went to empty place in the building he slid down the wall and cried Caitlin came over and put blanket over his shoulder she had tears too "it not worth going back because what might be in some dream might not come true Barry and your right I am not happy but there many times in future I could be but it takes patience Barry please don't think like that again Barry we all need you" said Caitlin "but why do we have to suffer why do we have to do right things to save civillains we lose people so they can live they have no idea what we go through" Barry said crying Caitlin just hug him.

After the Aliens were dealt with Cisco and Felicity put on a celebration but Barry wasn't in the mood the heroes was in Star Labs lounge enjoying but Barry was in the Balcony Sara came out wearing green jacket black jeans and had her hair in two pigtails "hey" she said he turned and give her weak smile "Barry" she said he looked at her "Sara it fine I am ok well I am not but I will be" he said she put his arms around her now she was in front her back against his chest both looking out in city "do you still want that date" he asked "no I am good for a while" she said "I am sorry Sara really you mean the everything to me I might of been in that dream not long but to me I remember school everything meeting you again in that dream and I love you please don't leave me Sara" he whispers she smile "when you were taken I was fuming I was scared losing you like I lost Laurel and I know we not that long dating and in that scary time thinking I was actually Hypervenlent which I don't it just shows me that I love you too" she said and brought her lips to his "How about we get out of here" she whisper kissing his earlobe "are you sure" said Barry "make love to me" she said and kiss his jaw he lift her up and speed away.

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