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Barry Cisco and Frost were training when Jax came in "Guys Sara got shot it rip he shot her he has been in mind Control" says Jax Caitlin transformed back from being Frost and the three went to follow Jax Barry saw Sara in med bay blood from the stomach and blood from mouth "I need the room please" said Caitlin they went out Barry looked at "Where is rest of team Mick Ray" said Barry "Rip had a gun that kept Ray shrinked and Mick they captured him and Nate and Amaya is looking for Malcolm and Damien" said Jax Stein was beside him then just then power shut down "BARRY" shouted Caitlin Barry came in "What going on "I was taken bullet out and power went off and bullet fell so without me knowing where about exactly I can't take it out" said Caitlin Barry looked "But I can I vibrate my hand and phase so I can take it out I can do it without breaking her bones" he said she nodded Barry went kissed Sara temple "I love you White Canary" said Barry and he did what he said.

Caitlin then went to stitch when Rip came in with gun and had Jax headlock "part of the staff now or he dies" said Rip "ok I will get it just let him go" said Barry and Rip knock Jax out and Barry speed punch RIp out "Caitlin Stitch her" he said "you got it" she says Barry got Jax up and got him lay on the other med bay as he was still uncounscious Barry went out and help Cisco and Stein up "try get the power on please" Barry said they nodded as Stein showed Cisco where the generator is Barry went to Sara weapons stash in her and Barry bedroom and grab her batons and came back and saw Rip Hunter waking up Barry got ready just incase "what a punch" said Rip getting up "how much you know about Thawne you think he cares about you or rest no he only out there for himself he always gonna be he uses people you think you be alive when you done with you fail mission" Barry said Caitlin watch and worried for her friend attitude "Barry" said Caitlin power went on.

"Gideon" said Barry "Sara is now getting better" said Gideon "Thanks" said Barry "welcome creator" GIdeon told him "Caitlin go get the team on comms I am sure Stein and Cisco be able to help Caitlin left While Barry kept his eyes on Rip just incase he try attack Barry then guide Rip to a cell in waverider once Barry locked it Barry left and went back to med bay to be with Sara he hold her hand and kissed it he let few tears down his cheeks Caitlin came in "Ray and Mick got free with help from Amaya and Nate there on way now and Ray is back to normal size" said caitlin Barry looked and dry his eyes "ok thanks for everything" said Barry "what wrong" she asked worried "I am fine" he says she laughed "Barry you know I know you by now you can't hide from me it ok tell me" she says "ok doctor I am just afraid" said Barry "Sara gonna be fine she touch strong she is a fighter" said Caitlin "I know that but seeing her like that hurt I love her so much but so far since being speedster people close to me gets hurt or someone like you Ronnie died you got taken by Zoom because of me my dad mom eddie Joe was also taken by ZOom Caitlin I can't lose Sara I love her so much my fear is you all dying around me and I am alone I don't know what I do with any of you leave me" said Barry.

"I am not going anyway neither is your team Barry" said Sara waking up Barry looked "eavesdropped" he give her small smile she giggle and took his hand "How are you Sara" said Caitlin "sore but I will survive" she says Caitlin nodded Jax woke up "what happened" Jax says Caitlin went and check on him "Rip is in a cell" said Barry Sara smiled and put hand on his cheek notice a stubble growing she grab his hand and brought it to her lips and kiss it "I took you batons just incase didn't want use much lighting incase blow up ship" he chuckle "thief" she says he nodded and brought his lips and kiss her lips "I will let your team know you and Jax is ok" said Barry "you should saw Barry he was like a leader too" said Caitlin "I am sort of leader in our team Caitlin" he says with smile "sort of indeed" she said "rest up you two and thank you Caitlin" said Barry hugging Caitlin "of course" said Caitlin.

After Barry told team Sara Jax and Caitlin joined and back in tempal zone Rip still in the Cell and Barry told Gideon listen to his Sara or orders but not Rip it was late people went to bed Barry holding Sara she kissed him "you ok" she asked "yeah but doesn't help me worrying about you my team and your team sometimes I can still picture the time Dominators showed me what life could been like but maybe A barry out there have it all human but they might not have something that I have" he told her "and what is that" she says "well may sound cheesy but it you I love you Sara Lance" he told her he got on top of her both looking she puts a hand on his cheek "I love you too Barry Allen and I hope there also A Sara out there with you too because before hand I did sort of like life but meeting you being with you I love life and I may miss my sister but I know she wouldn't want me want change things and she might see me being happy in a long time that because of you" she told him he kissed her "I am pretty great" he smiled she giggle "whatever you says Scarlett Speedster" said Sara "come on let sleep it been a long day" he told her she nodded both kiss each other and he hold her and kiss her neck "Goodnight Pretty bird" he said "Goodnight speedster" she says.

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