Chapter Twenty.

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Walking down the aisle my eyes fell on the one person who made my life worth living...My soon-to-be-husband and the father of my unborn child...He didn't know yet, I wanted to surprise him on the best day of our lives.

We had gotten engaged two months before when my brother and his family had been out to visit us. Preparations had been handled quickly and today was the day I became Kim Jungkook.

Finding out a couple of days ago that I was with child was the icing on the cake. I wanted to tell him in a special way so I kept it to myself planning on telling him at our wedding.

The closer it got, the more nervous I was. My eyes found his...The smile on his face made my heart pound...How did I get so lucky as to have him as my own...And when I thought of how I nearly lost him...It hurt bad.

Approaching him quickly he held his hand out and I placed my sweaty one in his...Don't get me wrong I wasn't nervous to marry him, but his face alone looking at me with such love made my body release sweat...Out of pure love and respect.

"You ok?" He asked.

I fell harder, had he noticed my nerves?

"Couldn't be better," I replied as I moved in front of him.

His smile as he looked into my eyes told me all I needed to know...This man was my forever...My better half, my heart's missing piece.

I had rushed out after learning of our baby and fashioned a new ring for him...Of course, the wedding ring we had chosen together would be what he wore for our life together, but I wanted to present him with another to make my reveal all that more special...and in front of our family and friends too...None of which I had told.

The ceremony began and I couldn't look away from him, his eyes on me, soothing my soul.

All too quickly it got to the rings and Tae' placed my ring on first, I gulped...This was it...After I placed his ring on, the minister was about to carry on, but I turned to him to stop him.

"Can I just say something before we continue?"

He looked confused but nodded anyway and I turned to my new husband. His eyes searched mine, confusion on his worried face, and that's when I reached into my pocket and pulled the new ring out...I looked at him, a smile on my face to show I wasn't backing out.

"Tae', Baby... I have another ring to give you...One that I hope will leave you with special memories of this day."

His eyes were searching mine and looking at the ring I held at the same time. His hand went to my face and his eyes questioned me.

"'Kook, what is this?"

I simply smiled and picked his hand up in mine. I placed the ring on his finger and his eyes went to it. Then he looked up at me in shock.

"Is this what I think it is...Are you...?"

His eyes flew to my stomach then back up to me, and I simply nodded, smiling wide.

"I'm going to be a father?" He asked again, and our guests gasped.

He looked shocked and for a moment I was worried...until he reached forward and grabbed me up in his arms, twirling me around, making me giggle...I barely registered the cheers from around the room.

Once back on my feet he placed a gentle hand on my stomach and kissed me...The minister cleared his throat and we looked at him.

"Should I continue then?"

We blushed and nodded, and soon came the best bit...Kissing my husband officially. I was now Kim Jungkook and I couldn't be happier.

Later at our reception, we danced together, holding each other tight...I was deliriously happy right now.

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