Chapter Three

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A knock sounded on the door and Tae' rushed to answer it.

He showed Namjoon in and closed the door behind him.

"You ok bro'? Sleep well?"

Tae' knew what he was really asking...Did anything happen last night?

"I slept fine, Casper didn't show himself again." He grinned, infecting Namjoon.

"Is that what you're calling it now?" He chuckled.

"Better than ghostie, ain't it?"

Namjoon just grinned.

"So where do we start looking for this guy then?" Tae' asked.

"I've been thinking about that, first we figure out if and when this guy supposedly died, then try and find accidents or murders around that time."

"Ok, I'll call the estate agents, and see if I can get a name for the family?"

"Did you get any mail for him, after you moved in?"

Tae' thought for a moment, realising he hadn't, which he thought was strange in itself.

"Actually no I didn't...that's strange don't you think?"

The spirit watched them, wishing he could give them a clue, but even he couldn't remember his own name. All he knew was that this was his old he knew that he had no idea. He also knew he had a family but for the afterlife of him he couldn't remember them anymore.

What he did remember was a blinding pain then waking up on the floor of his living room, everything slowly left him after that. Any memory of his life, faded with time.

"It is unusual, maybe the family had it sent somewhere else. They would have had to have dealt with energy suppliers and the like. Wait maybe we could try that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Call the energy suppliers and make up some bullshit story, try and get his name that way?"

"It's worth a shot, but I think I'll call the estate agent first."

Tae' pulled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up contacts, thankful he had saved the number on his calls list.

"Ah, got it, hold on." He said looking at Namjoon as he pressed call.

The spirit watched as he spoke on the phone, getting anxious after a few minutes, he hung up and sighed.

"Waste of time, they can't give out personal details to new owners."

"Energy suppliers then."

Tae' nodded and opened his contacts again...five minutes later he shook his head as he hung up.

"Same story, I don't think we'll get anywhere by calling companies, any other ideas?"

Namjoon thought, playing with his bottom lip as he chewed on it.

"What about asking the neighbours, they might have known his name."

Tae' smiled and gave his friend a high five.

"Let's go."

The spirit watched as both men rushed to the front door, he wanted to go with them, but knew he couldn't leave the house.

Tae' and Namjoon stood on the doorstep and looked around the street, It only had a few houses on either side so after deciding where to start they split up and started knocking on doors.

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