Chapter Sixteen.

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The next week was spent by Taehyung searching everywhere he could for the younger man, he would leave in the early hours and drive around, going from bar to hotel to hospital and the day after he would do it all over again.

He barely ate and a shadow of facial hair adorned his once clean shaven face...he didn't care for himself, all he was focused on was finding Jungkook, he would call Junghyun every night to ask if he had heard from him, but his answer was always the same...he hadn't.

Namjoon was joining him today and they were headed to the hospitals all over Korea, they were going to check every one...just in case.

Jin was checking all the hotels as far out as he could and Jimin and Yoongi were checking the bars...all of them would call on the hour every hour with any news.

They were all concerned for Taehyung, he was looking pale and drawn in, no matter what they said to him, he refused to give up looking...and eating.

Namjoon was side eyeing his best friend, his eyes on the road as they drove to Hospital number three that morning. He sighed when he realised he was gripping the steering wheel tightly, and ignoring the sound of his stomach grumbling.

"Tae'?" He began.

"Don't Joon' I have to find him."

"You have to eat, bro' when was the last time..."

"...I'm fine Joon."

"'re not, have you looked in the mirror lately, Tae' you need to eat and take a bath or something, you smell dude." Tae' side eyed him his face straight.

"Gee, thanks bro'"

"It's the truth, so can we go back to your place and take care of it?"

"No...We still have three hospitals to visit."


"Joon, stop it, I have to find him, I have to know why he changed...I need him."

'Joon sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you do Tae' but hurting yourself like this won't help, please...listen to me."

Tae' side eyed him again and sighed, he pulled the car over and placed the brake on, then he turned to 'Joon.

"I can't stop 'Joon, I have to look everywhere, I have to find him...we were going to get married...did you know that, he asked me...I can't believe he could change his mind so quickly and fall out of love with me that fast, he's hurting and trying to protect me from something...I need to know what."

"I understand that, but what good would it do if you got sick from not taking care of yourself, how would you look for him then?"

Tae' turned and looked out of the windscreen, he sighed and thought to himself for a short while.

Namjoon was right, and he was hungry...and smelly, he turned back to 'Joon and sighing nodded.

"Ok I'll go grab some food and take a shower, but I'm going out straight after that..."

" need to rest Tae' you've barely slept for seven days, your body needs sleep..."

"How can I sleep when I have to find him?"

"How can you not? Do you want to collapse from exhaustion?"

"'Joon I'm not going to collapse...apart from a little hunger I feel fine..."

"You don't look fine."


"Tae' I'm only concerned for you, I hate seeing you like this..."

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