Part 1: Prologue

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Binti and Asani were just teenagers when they got married, their marriage was not built on love it was built mostly on co-existence since they barely got along. They were forced to get married so their two nations could be allies since they were always in war with one another

Binti was a fiery young girl that did not like taking orders and Asani on the other hand was a stubborn teenage that wanted everything to go his way. Many would say they balanced each other out but they disliked each other.

Asani was very possessive over Binti even if they did not love each other. He was only possessive over her because of her beauty and the fact that she got along with anyone she met.

As the six years went by Asani and Binti eventually fell in love with each other because they had grown with one another and taught each other many values and principles but one thing Binti did not know about Asani was that he had plans to murder his father and brother because he wanted to be king.

Asani succeeded and had become the King for his people which caused a wedge between Binti and him since he progressively became hungry for blood and power.

As soon as Binti found out she was pregnant with Asani's baby she fled the nation but all Asani did was track her down.

Binti looked around at what was left of her village in horror she could hear the screams of people.

The soot covered the night skies instead of the beautiful sun set skies and she could feel the heat from the scorching flames that were coming from the burning huts.

The acrid smell of burning embers over powered the usual smell of the salty ocean that was near the village.

"Binti. I have told you that no matter where you go, I will find you."

Binti stared at the man that she once knew in fear as he slowly glided towards her with a smirk on his face.

"I just want you to come home."he demanded in a calming manner as he roughly grabbed her face which made her turn her head aggressively.

His scent did not only make her feel sick to her stomach but it also made her think of her past with him. She could not comprehend why he smelt of spices and blood at the same time.

"I want my heir, Binti."he spat as he pointed towards her tummy that was not even prominent as yet since she was only a few weeks pregnant, Binti placed her hand on her tummy protectively in response to Asani.

"You will never see my daughter."She roared as she stared at him dead in the eye and that is when he began to groan and go down on his knees before she moved her arms making him move since he had no control of his body.

Binti was a mutant but she did not favor her abilities since they hurt people, her abilities were the very reason why she was forced to marry the Prince of her nation because they had seen her as a war machine instead of a Princess.

She promised herself time and time again that she would never use her ability but everytime Asani and his men found her she was forced to use them to protect her baby.

Asani also had vast psionic abilities but he did not use them for good because of how powerful he was, he has always wanted to be feared by many instead of being loved and respected.

Binti grabbed a dagger that was in Asani's pocket and she penetrated it into his chest which made him cough out blood.

"Took you long enough."Asani coughed out as he fall to the ground holding onto his chest.

"I did not want to kill you, Asani."Binti mumbled as she stared at Asani who had a smirk on his face.

"You have blood on your hands just like me. We were meant to be, Binti. Our baby will be just as dark as us."he mumbled as he stared at her belly as she dropped the dagger on his chest.

"My baby will be a light in this world. She will use her abilities for good and my only wish for her is to never come across people like you in her life."Binti sneered in disgusted as she stared down at Asani.

"She will be her father's daughter."Asani mumbled whilst chuckling which made Binti shake her head as she began to walk away from him since she knew he was going to die anyway.

Binti planned on going to Wakanda since she was told at a young age that it was a land of milk and honey. She felt like a nomad traveling from village to village but her final destination was going to be Wakanda.

A/N: I know you guys about sick of me for bombarding you with so many stories but I just keep having ideas I can't help it. 😭

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