Part 6: Korea

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"I am already inside King T'Challa, and I switched off the metal detectors."I telepathically said as I looked around the casino.

"How did you get in so fast?" Okoye asked which made me smirk as I took a sip of the cocktail the bartender had mixed up for me.

"The buyer is likely here. I'm sorry I can't make us hear each other but I can hear you all."I explained as I watched them walk into the Casino.

"Do not stress, Sade. You are doing great right now." Nakia responded as she gave me a wink from the other side of the casino with her arm linked with T'Challa.

"Just kiss each other already." I teased her which made her kiss her teeth through the communication devices.

"The woman outside what trouble was she referring to?"T'Challa asked as I continued to scan the room.

"Ah, I got into a disagreement with some ivory traders. Made a bit of a mess."

"And will there be any trouble tonight, Ms. Kenyan heiress?"T'Challa asked obviously trying to flirt which made me cringe.

"Depends on how quickly we finish the mission." Nakia responded which made me intervine.

"Uh ew, can we focus please?"I asked as I continued to look around the room.

"Stole the words right out of my mouth."Okoye responded which made me smirk as I watched T'Challa and Nakia split up.

"Thank you."I muttered as shoulders shuddered since I viewed Nakia and T'Challa like my older siblings so them flirting in front of me just made me feel weird.

"I see 3 Americans."I muttered against with my glass against my lips.

"Five. How could you miss "Greased Lightning" there behind you?"Okoye asked which made me look behind me to see a guy at the bar.

"Six. Just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA. It just got a little more complicated."T'Challa said as we continued to look for Klaue.

"I see Klaue."I muttered as I looked up at him and his entourage make an entrance.

"In position to secure our exit."Okoye said which made me look for an easy exit.

"And the Vibranium."T'Challa said trying to to blow his cover.

"I thought there were no weapons allowed."Okoye said as we heard the metal detector beep constantly.

"There's not supposed to be."Nakia responded as she heard the beeps too.

"Well someone didn't get the memo."Okoye sarcastically said.

"6 more guys. This is a set up."I muttered as I watched the men walk into the Casino.

"We need to move on Klaue."Nakia said as she watched Klaue.

"Stand down, we can't afford a shoot out."T'Challa sternly muttered.

"It now or never."Nakia said which made Okoye yell at her to stand down.

"The Wakandans are here!"One of Klaue's men announced which made me sigh as I nervously looked around.

"I'll meet you outside."I telepathically said to T'Challa as I told my suit to go and it melted off my dress.

"Shuri isn't the only one that can make a suit."I said to myself as I telekinetically moved men out of Nakia's way so she could fight then properly.

"I'll follow T'Challa."I said as I floated above the car that he jumped in and I made sure to clear any car out of his way.

"Is Sade doing okay?"Shuri asked through the communication devices.

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