Part 5: My Love

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"Shuri!"I moaned out as I threw my head back as I felt the pleasure shoot through my entire body.

Once Shuri heard me scream out her name she always made sure to speed up her licks and push my legs apart for easier access.

She would come back up a couple of times to give me a deep kiss so she could gently touch the rest of my body and I made sure to make her moan a couple of times too because her whimpers always made my insides tingle.

"I missed your body so much my love."she mumbled against my ear as she continued to tease me before she placed her hand on both my breasts and began to play with them whilst suck each of them are leaving marks scattered all over them.

"Bast! Shuri."I moan out once again as I held onto her tight as she kissed every inch of my body before she gently spread my legs once again whilst giving me a cocky smirk before she went at it once again.

"No, no. I can't."I whimpered as I began to tear up in pleasure which is what she always her aim, making me whimper and beg her to stop because although it felt good the overstimulation always felt like too much of a good thing but it felt great.

"You can now keep your eyes on me."she demanded which made me look down at her and I watched her drive me into another orgasm.

"Shuri."I gasped out once again after I came which made her smirk before she wiped her lips with her arm.

"No, not fair. Your turn."I muttered as I pulled her towards me before I kissed her roughly and went to kiss her neck before I slowly began to go down on her as well.

Part of me felt like we had been doing this all afternoon through the next morning because we were frustrated with each other.

Well I was mostly frustrated at Shuri for even thinking I would cheat on her with somebody else in America and she was frustrated but she probably thought I was lying or she was frustrated with herself for even doubting our relationship.

"You're still fantastic, love."She muttered as she wrapped her hand around my neck and pulled me into a rough kiss once again.

"I learn from the best."I muttered back as I gave her a smirk before I went in for another kiss before I straddled her and leaned down to peck her lips several times.

"That was me indirectly telling you not to ever doubt our relationship ever again. I love you so much Shuri at this point in my life I would die for you."I admitted as I looked into her eyes and felt goosebumps rise on her skin.

"Please believe me when I say that Shuri. I love you so much. When I was at America all I could think about was how much I injured you and I felt so bad when I left without even knowing if you were alive or hurt badly at some point I wanted to kill myself because I was so frustrated with myself Shuri but when mama called me and told me you were alright that just made me want to expand my knowledge on my abilities so I could protect you and I would fight tooth and nail for you until my breathe leaves my body."I expressed as I began to sob as I looked down at her and realised she was crying too which made me I placed my hand on her cheek and wipe her tears away.

"I love you too, Sade."She replied as she sat up and leaned back onto her head board, I smiled as I leaned in to kiss her before I wiped her tears once again.

"Shuri."I called out whilst giggling as I looked up at the ceiling she giggle too in response since she already know what I was going to say or ask.

"You installed that mirror?"I asked as I pointed at the wide mirror that was on the ceiling.

"You like it?"she smugly asked as she gave me a small smirk.

"Very kinky."I replied which made her giggle before she pulled me into another kiss.

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