Part 2: Sade

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King T'Chaka accepted Binti and Sade into their nation with warm open arms because he knew Binti's story and he did not want Sade to grow up to be like anyone from her father's side of the family.

Binti became a Dora Milajes whilst she was pregnant with Sade, she progressively rose up in the ranks and became the Chief for the Dora Milajes but she stepped down so Okoye could take over since she wanted to focus on her daughter who was growing very fast.

Sade was just as Binti dreamed she would be, the opposite of her father.

Sade was an intelligent young girl that only wanted to spread happiness where ever she went, she had been aware of her abilities at the tender age of two years old when she accidentally stared at a glass with frustration for too long which made it shatter and land everywhere on the kitchen floor.

Binti then realised that Sade had her father's abilities which scared her at the beginning but once she taught her daughter how she could use her abilities for good, Sade did that with no questions asked.

As Sade grew in a small house near the waters with her mother, Binti used the combat abilities she had learnt when training for the Dora Milajes and taught her daughter which Sade learnt very quickly since she had been learning at a young age.

Slowly but surely Sade became a young warrior but she did not join the Dora Milajes since she felt like it was cheating that she had abilities of her own.

Sade's pov

"Mama. You are getting worse."I muttered as I placed my hand over her forehead that felt hot everytime I placed my hand over it.

"Sade, Ndiphilile. Ndinomkhuhlane nje. (I am fine, I just have the flu.)"Mama demanded as she waved her young daughter's hand away which made her sigh heavily before she grabbed a nearby basket.

"I am going to the city to buy you medicine. No arguing."I sternly said which made her frown at me before and open her mouth to speak but she coughed out into her hand once again.

"Jonga mama, awukwazi nokwenza isivakalisi esifanelekileyo ngaphandle kokukhohlela. (Look mom, you can't even form a proper sentence without coughing.)"I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest and kissed her forehead.

"I will come back."I spoke as I gave her one last kiss on her forehead before I left to go to the city.

The city was not to far from our house but it was not close either so I had to take a walk there. I usually take a walk with my mama which made the walk there a lot shorter than it actually was but since she was not with me at this moment it felt long.

"Hey little buddy, where you goin'? I'm not sure of how to know I'm still motion. You seem regular, I seem regular. These streams may take me out to the ocean."I silently sang to myself as I slowly saw the city emerge in front of me, it was not very busy since it was only 6am.

"One time I took a swim in the Nile. I swam the whole way, I didn't turn around, man, I swear. It made me relax when I came down. I felt liberated like free birds, I'm stimulated now. Plunging away 'less my body's on top. All of these currents might cost me my life right now. Where danger finds me, it follows with tides. Many miles ahead of me, still I'm in stride."I sang under my breathe as I looked for the familiar medicine store that my mama and I stopped by everytime to buy medicinal herbs.

Unbeknownst to me I had captivated someone with my tunes who was not even supposed to step foot on the village without a Dora Milajes by her side.

"Sade, you are not with your mom?"Ziraili asked as she looked around me with a small frown.

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