Part 7: Shuri

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I was working on the sonic blasters Sade gifted me since they were a bit faulty I saw when she first gifted them to me but I didn't want to say anything.

"Shuri. We need your help."Nakia stammered as they all came in with a hospital bed and when I rushed to them I did not yet register who was lying on the bed.

"S-Sade?"I muttered in shock as I saw her on the bed with blood all over her clothes.

"What happened? Brother you promised you would look after her."I hissed as I rushed around the lab to stabilise her heart beat since it was faint.

"Shuri, she jumped in front of me--"

"I don't care! If she dies I will not forgive any of you."I sobbed as I took out the kimoyo beads and I began to rebuild her muscles and tissues with a machine on both the injuries.

"Shuri she will be fine in your hands."Nakia reassured as she did the same for the white man they also bought into my lab.

"Where is my baby?"Miss Binti asked in a panic as she rushed into my lab which made me rush to the entrance to stop her.

"Miss Binti I don't think it is a good idea to see your daughter in the state she is in right now."I explained which made her look at me before she began to cry.

"What if Asani possess her whilst she's unconscious. Please may I see my baby."she cried as she hugged me tightly which made me hug her as we both started crying.

"She's the only person I have."she continued which made me sigh as I took her to see Sade.

"Baby."She sobbed out as she looked at her clothes in horror before she placed her hand on Sade's cheek.

"I have regenerated her muscles and tissues so she might wake up."I explained as I looked down at her with a small smile.

"Might?"She said in disbelief as she kissed Sade's cheek.

"Well I am not sure how long ago she was shot."I muttered in response which made her slightly give up.

"Sade is strong, she would not just give up like that so please may I make you tea to ease your worries?"I offered which made her sit and nod her head.

"That would be nice, thank you."She mumbled as she continued to caress Sade.

"Before Sade was born I used to always say that I have would rather give her my life than her dying before me."Miss Binti began as she stared off at Sade before she began to sip her tea.

"I moved from country to country just to find a safe place for her, her father was an evil man. He had create telekinetic abilities and he used that to his advantage. I wanted him to be alive more than dad because I knew he would possess my daughter when he did and that all happened because I was too scared to teach her about her abilities."She explained looking down at her tea.

"I mean no disrespect, Miss Binti. But why are you telling me all of this?"I asked as I looked up at her with a frown.

"Because I will die soon Shuri and I want you to take care of her the same way I did. Please."She begged as she liked up at me.

"Miss Binti I do not understand."I added as I shook my head.

"Shuri, darling. I feel it. I feel the death coming and I have been feeling it for a while. I told Sade but she wouldn't allow me to even explain to her what I meant but I feel it, Shuri. I am telling you so you can prepare. I know it may be selfish but please take care of her when she is emotional her abilities do become unstable. I even informed your mother and she agreed to take her in but she will need more than that."She explained as she reached for my hand making me nod my head as I took her hand in mine.

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