Part 10: The Great Mound Battle

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"Shuri, now."

Shuri, Ross, Nakia and I ran into her lab wearing blankets as disguises walking past the boarder tribe members as we saw them running towards the exit assuming that they had been alerted about T'Challa bring alive, we ran towards the lab.

"Go, go, go, go, go. Come on Ross."Shuri yelled making Ross run faster into the lab.

Once we reached the lab we slipped off the blankets and grabbed a couple of weapons that I would need, I scanned the room.

"Sade, here. I noticed you did not have you kimoyo beads, I always keep a spare for you because you always lose them."Shuri muttered as she gently grabbed my wrist before she slid the kimoyo beads on my wrist which made me smile as I told my suit to go.

"Hey, Becareful. I don't want to see you half dead again."Shuri continued as she pulled me closer by the waist.

"I should be saying that to you."I replied as my hand touched her cheek and pulled her into a kiss, her eyes fluttered closed and she melted into my embrace.

Our lips met in a tender, loving way, and she responded by deepening the kiss, her soft lips parting and our tongues meeting in a sweet and sensual exchange.

The moment felt like an eternity, and when we finally separated, I felt breathless with anticipation and longing.

"Okay, we need to go. I love you."I responded before I pecked her lips a couple of times and ran out the lab.

I approached the Great Mound and floated above the battle zone.

As the battle raged below, I could hear it from where I was flew atop the Great Mound removing any people that tried to attack T'Challa. The sound of swords and axes striking with shields filled my ears.

When I looked down I noticed a bunch of board tribe warriors surrounding T'Challa and hitting him, I glided down and I took a deep breath, steeling myself as a wave of telekinesis rippled through the air, sending the boarder tribe members flying to the ground and I knocked them unconscious.

"Good job, Sade."he praised before he ran off to fight off other people.

"You thought you could fight without me?"I smiled as I looked behind me to see Bilaal making me smirk.

"I knew my mama would go get you."I responded before I pressed my back against hers and fought off the warriors on my side.

I could sense the thoughts and emotions of the warriors surrounding me, a shifting mass of hostile thoughts and intentions coalescing as they prepared to attack Bilaal and I.

As they drew their swords and walked towards me and Bilaal, I focused my thoughts and summoned my powers. I reached out with my mind and sensed the air change and ripple, the vibrations of their movement, and the flow of thoughts as they prepared to attack.

"I need a boost!"Bilaal requested making me telekinetically push her up and in air making her yell out:


There was then a couple of gorilla growls which made me smirk since I knew M'baku actually agreed to come out and fight.

I then heard a loud horn going off which made me look up to see W'kabi standing on a large rock and that's when I could feel the vibrations of rhino hooves and human feet on the ground, as well as the shouts and cries of soldiers on both sides. But among this cacophony of noise, I could sense something else entirely, a dark and powerful presence approaching.

It was as if the air had grown heavy and still, forebidding and ominous, a palpable sense of danger and urgency in the air.

"I cannot believe W'kabi out of all people is betraying the throne."I replied as I floated above the war zone and telekinetically moved the Border tribe members away from the Dora Milajes and the Jabari tribe.

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