Part 12 (Bonus): A New Day

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"... Women of Africa
In a world of folly and fear
Of division and diversion
Of begetting and forgetting
You are the mighty gatherer
The harvester of wholeness
The maker of peace
We honour you this day
And forever more."I slowly read as I sat on the stone bench next to my mama's tombstone, reading a poem to the silent memory of my mama.

The wind rustled the branches of the Wisteria tree, its soft flowers swaying in the breeze as Shuri and I held hands under its shade. As the sun set in the sky, me and Shuri sat in silent contemplation of the life and legacy of mama.

"You ready?"I asked as I closed the small poetry book and faced Shuri beside me who smiled before she gave me a peck.

"I should be asking you that, my love."She responded making me nod my head as I stood up with her and walked away hand in hand.

"I was thinking that I want to cut my hair."Shuri spoke up as she looked down at me making me giggle.

"Really? A buzz cut? I love buzz cuts."I responded as we strolled together into the palace.

"I was thinking a buzz but I also thought of cutting the sides, a bit of the back and keeping my hair up top."She described making me nod as I pictured the hairstyle.

"So, a curly mohawk?"I asked making Shuri cringe before she rolled her eyes.

"When you say mohawk you're making it sound like a soccer player's hairstyle."She muttered in disgusted which made me giggle at her.

"My love, it is a mohawk. Look up what a mohawk is right now."I giggled as I pointed to her kimoyo beads which made me chuckle before she waved me off.

"I also liked the back cut you had with your braids. That was sexy."I whispered as I looked around before I gave Shuri a smirk.

"What do you mean? It is still there?"She replied as she reached back to touch the back of her head to feel the lines.

"Well, most lines are disappearing but I can get it touched up."She replied as she still went over the lines of her cut in concern which made me giggle at her.

"You think this is funny?"She asked as she looked down at me whilst laughing.

"It is the concerned look you have on your face, Shuri."I laughed as I placed my hand over my mouth whilst laughing harder.

"Don't hide your face. I haven't seen this smile in such a long time."She replied as she gently took my hand and intertwined our fingers making me smile as I rolled my eyes.

"Give me a kiss."I asked making her look down at me in shock before she looked around for any signs of her mother or brother coming from anyone of the passages.

"Why are you looking around like we are sneaking around?"I asked whilst giggling making her eventually lean in to peck my lips.

"Uh-huh, just a peck my love?"I complained making Shuri sigh before she kissed my forehead.

"If you want more than just a peck, let's go to my bedroom"She whispered against my forehead making me smile as I looked up at her.

"Shuri, what will Queen Ramonda think--"

"Oh please, mama knows we have sex."She sassed before she rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand leading me to her bedroom.

Of course when we got to her room we greeted Sidiki, a Dora Milaje and begged her a couple of times not to say a word in which she smirked and stepped aside.

Shuri started to strip all my clothes off, from my head wrap down to my dress, leaving me in just my underwear in which she took in for a while.

"What?"I sheepishly asked as she got in between my legs and leaned down to hover over me.

"I may sound repetitive but you are stunning, Sade."She seductively whispered before she leaned down to kiss my neck which made me silently moan as I began to strip her clothes off.

Shuri looked down at me and placed her fingers over the front clip of my bra before she looked up at me as if asking for permission making me immediately nod my head and she unclaspsed my bra quickly before she leaned down to kiss my breasts.

She then giggled which made me look down at her in confusion.

"What is funny, Shuri?"I asked as I held myself up with my elbows as I watched her sit up and slip off my underwear.

"Your mama is going to watch us having sex."She joked which made me look down at her in shock.

"Bast! I didn't think of that Shuri!"I yelped before I grabbed the duvet and covered myself making Shuri laugh even harder.

"You couldn't let me live in ignorance, Shuri?"I whined as I got in between the covers.

"My love, I was joking."

"That was not funny. You are joking at a time like this? I won't have sex for another few months because of this 'joke'." I emphasised as I used my fingers as quotation marks for the word 'joke' before I grabbed my pillow and covered my face.

"Sithandwa sami (my love) it was a joke. Now let me see your body."She replied as she crawled into the bed covers from the end of the bed and made her way up to me making me roll my eyes and look away from her as she kissed my neck.

"Your mama gave us nothing but privacy, Sade. I am sure she is looking away."She responded as she gently placed her hand underneath my chin and made me turn before she kissed me once again.

We were swept up in the heat of the moment, our lips meeting in a passionate embrace. The feeling of our bodies pressed together and our tongues entwine was electric, the touch bringing chills and sparks.

My heart began to beat wildly in my chest, the rush of blood through my veins and our breathing growing faster and more intense. We both gave ourselves completely to the moment, letting the kiss consume us as our bodies came together in a timeless and euphoric embrace.

"May I make love to you, Sade?"Shuri asked with her lips still touching mine as I felt her hand go from my waist to between my legs which made me gasp as I looked deeply into her eyes.

"Yes, you may, my love."


I actually finished this book, I didn't think I was going to finish it but here we are. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the love and support I really appreciate it! I hope you all enjoyed it, if you haven't yet, go ahead and read the sequel it's called Smoke Mirrors, I tried to put the link here but it doesn't work but I will put it up on my conversation tab so you guys can see it and access it.

Again, thank you! Love you all.


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