Part 8: Sade's Dreams

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"Why am I in the ancestoral plane?"I muttered to myself as I looked around the beautiful Wakandan scenery before me.

I gasped in awe as I looked up at the mix of blue and purple sky that was decorated by beautiful dancing stars.

"Am I dead?"

"No, you are recharging."

My heart dropped at the familiar accent making me turn my body fast to see my father which made me back up slowly in fear.

"No, please. I cannot hurt Shuri again."I replied as I stepped backwards in fear.

"Relax, my child. Bast punished me for that I am here because I am one of your many ancestors so you cannot get rid of me even if you tried."He replied whilst chuckling to himself before he outstretched his arm.

"Punished?"I asked as I stared at his outstretched arm.

"Yes, she is very fond of you."He replied before he beckoned at me once again.

"I will rather follow you than hold your hand."I sternly responded making him chuckle before he lifted his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"Why am I here?"I asked in a more demanding tone as I glared at him.

"Unaweza kuwa kipenzi cha Bast lakini chagua sauti yako kwa busara unapozungumza nami msichana mdogo. (You may be Bast's favourite but choose your tone wisely when you speak to me little girl.)"He replied in swahili once chuckling making me look deep into his eyes before I nodded my head.

"Naomba msamaha. (I apologise)"I muttered making him look back at me in shock.

"Your mother taught you swahili?"he asked taken a back making me nod my head he chuckled before he nodded and began to walk.

"Yes, she taught me many African languages. Where are you from?"I suddenly blurted out as I followed after him hesitantly.

"Kingdom of Kush."he replied as we slowly strolled in the forest.

"Kushite Empire? That is in Egypt. How did you meet my mother?"I asked as I allowed the many black panthers walk next to me and lick my hands as I walked making me smile as I did the Wakanda salute before I gave them a slight nod.


"Please may you elaborate."I politely asked as I watched him sit upon a rock next to the clear stream.

"It was arranged because my kingdom needed to trade with Wakanda and an alliance had to be formed in order to do so. One of the princesses of the River Tribe was your mother."he explained making me look up at him in shock.

"A Princess? She had never told me that, I guess that is why Sister Nakia and Queen Ramonda are so close with my mother."I muttered as I looked out at the stream.

"She has evidently kept you in the dark about a lot of things."He chuckled making me sadly nod my head.

"All in the name of protecting you. Although, I do not know what she is protecting you."He sarcastically replied making me sigh heavily as I sat on the nearest rock.

"I do not get it. What else has she not told me?"I asked making him chuckle to himself as he crossed his arms and looked up at me.

He was clearly enjoying himself.

"Your beloved mother murdered me."he said making me shake my head as I looked up at him.

"That is not true. My mother would never take another person's life. She does not even have abilities and you do, so the chances of her doing that are very unlikely."I mumbled making him laugh hard obviously mocking me.

"Your mother has abilities. She is the master of the dark arts she had mystic abilities but she had them stripped away as soon as you were born that is why she is always sick."he nonchalantly responded making me shake my head in disbelief.

"She killed me with her powers all in the name of protecting you. All of her earlier choices had been made with you, my child, in mind. In all honesty, I would have simply stolen you and made a tiny monster, but she made an angel instead. She wanted you to be a saint, which is ironic because we both possess evil skills."he chuckled to himself as the black panthers hissed at him.

"I do not want to be here anymore."I whispered as I stood up and stormed off making the black panthers follow after me.

"Please, I would like to go back."I muttered as I kneeled in front of them as soon as I closed my eyes I felt them lick my face and before I knew it I opened my eyes and I was looked at the ceiling of Shuri's lab.

I sat up and stormed out of the lab before I began to run whilst sobbing. I found myself at an open field where I sat down on a rock and stared off at the valley.

I heard my kimoyo beads ring a couple of times and after ignoring the repetitive vibrating I angrily rolled them off my wrist and aggressively threw them over the cliff.

I took a few long breaths before I started crying again. Before standing up and going home, I sighed. I walked for a while, although it didn't seem that long because I was so preoccupied with my thoughts. My mother was watering her garden when I got home, but she stopped when she sensed a presence, looked behind her, and saw me. She raced over to me and hugged me

"You scared me, Sade. Please do not do that again. You are okay."She muttered as she hugged me tightly making me sigh heavily and gently get out the tight embrace which made her look at me sadly.

"Sade?"She asked as she looked at me before she placed her hand on my cheek making me move away from her hand.

"You murdered your husband?"I whispered as I watched her facial expression shift from sad and hurt to shocked.

"Baby, it was my only option, believe me Sade."She replied with desperation laced in her tone.

"Mama, how do you expect me to believe you when all you do is tell me lies. You said he was killed yet you were the one that murdered him?"I asked as I looked at her in shock whilst crying.

"He was an evil man."

"I'm upset at you, Mama, not even that he's dead, but that you were the one who killed him. You also have abilities that I was not made aware of? You struggled to even tell me about the abilities I inherited from him, and despite the fact that I nearly murdered Shuri with those same abilities because I was unable to control them, here you are withholding information about your own abilities from me once more. Because you wanted to protect me, Mama, I was bullied at school because of abilities I was unaware I had."I asked as I watched her cry as well.

"I used to come home everyday crying because kids used to throw rocks at me and call me a witch for something I could not even control."I muttered before I nodded my head at her silence.

"Why can't you ever be honest with me?"I asked making her take both my hands and kiss them.

"I'm sorry, Sade. I'll tell you everything you need to know."She replied in a panic as she held my hands and kissed them making me sigh heavily before I pulled her into a hug.

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