Chapter 1

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"WHERE IS IT!?", I yelled barging in to my sister Leah's bedroom.

"Where is what?", she asked jumping off my bed.

"My phone, you used it last night to FaceTime your friends", I said moving things around her desk looking for my phone.

I absolutely hate it when my sister, who is two years younger than me take my stuff.

Once I found my phone I went back in to my room to get ready for school. I quickly picked out some clothes since I was getting late and got dressed.

I went down stairs and grabbed a granola bar from the counter and turned to Leah who was nervously stirring her cereal around the bowl. I guess since it's her first year in high-school, even I was nervous back then.

"Come on Leah let's get going, we're gonna be late otherwise", I said throwing away the empty granola bar wrapper in the trash bin.

She stood up putting away the bowl and followed me outside.

"Just one more year till you learn to drive", I said unlocking my car, a BMW Alpina B8 and getting in followed by Leah.

"Aren't you nervous?", Leah asked as she fiddled with the seat belt as I picked up speed since we will probably be late if I didn't.

"Nope", I answered.

She sighed and slumped back in her seat and rolled her eyes. I laughed slightly seeing her expression. Once we arrived Leah walked off to find her friends and I went to find mine. I found Stella first sitting on the steps to school and I sat next to her.

"Seen Leon?", she asked me.

"No hello? No how are you? Just have you seen Leon as a greeting?", I glared at her slightly.

Leon's actually her crush and she is literally obsessed.

"Oh whatever", she rolled her eyes at me.

"Well actually no I didn't see Leon", I said Leon walked past us.

He turned around to us and cocked an eyebrow, "Anyone of you looking for me?".

"Yeah", I answered fast, "Stella wants to talk to you".

I stood up with that and walked away winking at Stella who glared at me. I walked to my locker and stashed my books inside and saw Camila and Addison walking towards me.

"Hey Lexi!", they greeted me.

"Hey", I said closing my locker and leaning against it.

"Did you see Stella?", Addison asked.

"Oh yeah she's currently chatting with Leon", I said smirking.

The bell rang signaling the start of first which unfortunately for me is Math the worst subject in history (of course Addison would disagree) I walked to Math and guess what. I have the worst teacher in the entire school as my Math teacher, Mr. Smith. He's a total pervert and always hitting on girls. Last year when I was sophomore, a junior girl called Riley Madison told me.

The class began with Mr. Smith asking us our names and then moving on to actual Math. A few minutes after he gave us an assignment. As I was struggling to figure out the first question I felt some ones gaze on me. I looked up to see Mr. Smith staring at me. Me in specific my chest. I zipped up my jacket and glaring at him, went back to work.





I met up with my friends at lunch and we sat at our usual table at the back. Our school's just like any other. We have the Cheerleaders and the Jocks who sit at the very center of the cafeteria aka the popular, good looking and fashionable kids, the Drama freaks, the Nerds and the Geeks, the Artists, the Emo kids. And there's a couple of kids like us who don't care about being with people just like them but hang out with their real friends.

Camila actually could fit in with the popular kids, she's pretty, fashionable and many guys like her. Addison's considered a nerd actually. She always scores super high scores for tests and doesn't joke around much like us. Stella's an artist for sure, she's amazing at art and is always doodling at the back of her notebooks. Me.....well I don't know exactly. Could past as a jock but they don't accept girls as jocks. Definitely not a nerd I always get terrible scores and I'm an ok artist but not good enough to accepted by them.

"So how was today?", Addison asked closing the book she was reading.

"OK", Camila and Stella said in unison. So I gave them an entire recap of my day.

"OMG MR. SMITH IS HORRIBLE!", Camila yelled as I finished my story.

"Shh", Stella shushed her, "He might hear, he's just a few feet away.

"Well then let him hear", I said smirking.

I stood up and cupped my hands to my mouth, "MR. SMITH YOU'RE TERRIBLE!", I yelled.

Heads turned my way as I sat down with a satisfied smirk on my face. Just then Leah came running to me and set her lunch tray down on our table and leaned in closely.

"What clique can I join to fit in?", she asked nervously.

"No need of any cliques just hangout with your friends", I advised her.

She glanced at friends who waved at her excitedly and gestured her to hurry up.

", they're weird and....totally uncool".

I shrugged, "Then the Artists", I said pointing at them who were chatting with each other and drawing at the same time.

"Yeah....they look......ok", she said picking up her lunch tray, "I'll get going then, see ya after school".

She sat with the Artists and I saw the Artists taking a look at her art and then giving her approving look. Leah turned to me and gave me smile and a thumbs up. I smiled back at her and went back to my friends.





I was walking out when I saw a huge crowd gathered around a bulletin board.

"What's going on?", I asked some random girl in the crowd.

"Look", she answered pointing at the bulletin board.

Teen life needs a new female model.

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