Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Darkkit looked at Pebblekit who lay forlornly in her nest feeling irritated. If she's upset, why doesn't the mousebrain talk to us? She fluffed up her pelt against the cold of the morning. She had better things to do than look at the grey she-cat staring blankly into space. In two moons, I'll be an apprentice, she thought to herself, then I'll be able to figure Pebblekit out.

Darkkit liked the idea that everything had a place, everything was black and white. Her place was in Riverclan, as a warrior alongside her brother Nightkit. Prey's place was on the freshkill pile, where hungry warriors would be able to feed to keep their strength up. Thunderclan's place was on their own stinky crow-food infested territory, and so on. She had never figured out Pebblekit though, and her place in the story.

Stretching, Darkkit made her way out of the nursery den and into the crisp leafbare morning. There were only a few warriors left in camp; most had gone out on either hunting and border patrols. Darkkit let her eyes adjust to the sunlight, so different from the warm darkness of the nursery den, before looking in search of her denmates. She scanned the camp. Thornkit was dutifully helping the medicine cat, Frostbark with healing the vicious injuries of cats from the battle with ThunderClan. Thornkit's brother, Batkit was resting his eyes in a shady spot by the warriors den, letting out occasional snores. It took significantly longer for Darkkit to pick out Minnowkit and Nightkit, but soon enough she saw them sitting by the river at the far edge of the camp, and raced over to greet them.

"So, what are you two up to?" she asked casually.

Nightkit jumped, then turned around, his black fur fluffed up, "Darkkit!" her brother exclaimed, then hesitated, "thought you were a Starclan warrior for a second there..."

Minnowkit blinked at Darkkit, "we're gathering mystical magical circles to summon the Starrycats," she explained as though that was supposed to completely clear up Darkkit's bewilderment.

Minnowkit, or Min as she preferred to be called, hadn't been born into the clans, but had instead shown up just outside of their territory when she was around two moons old. She was certainly a very unique cat, enjoying gathering all sorts of bizarre items from river stones to bird feathers to keep in the nursery. She called cats and other such things by different names, like "Thundercats" for Thunderclan, or "Trouty" for Troutstar (behind his back of course), but what set her apart from all the other cats was her general attitude. She was so upfront, blunt, and trusting, and Darkkit didn't entirely like that about her. I like to have my secrets, she thought.

Nightkit butted in, glancing between Min's bright gaze, and Darkkit's bewilderment, "Uh... Min wants to get Starclan to come here so that Pebblekit can see her dad again."

Min nodded serenely, "Peb's been in a dull mood lately, we thought we could help her out."

Darkkit shrugged, "Pebblekit's always in a bad mood," she muttered.

Min glanced at the stones and shrugged. "It's not workin' well though... oooh, what if we used it to summon the Thundercats instead."

"Let's not," Nightkit said. Min laughed and nudged him, and he nudged her back affectionately.

"The leaves are so cool at this time of year," Min announced, abruptly changing the subject, "especially in the Thundercats' area"

Darkkit fluffed up her pelt, "you actually went there?" she muttered jealousy. I would never do that, no loyal kit would. When she saw her littermate, Nightkit's, awestruck expression, though, she decided to leave the two best friends to enjoy their discussion.

Darkkit fluffed up her pelt, and padded to the den, she noted that Pebblekit was now talking to the clan leader, Troutstar. She padded forward with a prick of jealousy. What makes her so special that she gets Troutstar's entire attention? He had never so much as glanced at Darkkit as though she wasn't someone worth listening to, or even worth existing. More and more lately, she had noticed these meetings between the clan leader and the three moon old kit. Just because they're kin doesn't mean he should be wasting so much time with an annoying kit. She padded closer, straining her ears to hear what they were talking about, fearful that a warrior might notice her and call her out for eavesdropping.

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