Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Darkpaw didn't find out until the next day. She and Firbush had gone out for 'moonlight training,' which resulted in two tired cats staggering into camp with small cuts and wounds all over their bodies. When Darkpaw had found Batpaw in camp, he had tried to explain the encounter with the fox. Instead of listening, Darkpaw had stared blankly at the tom, as though his words meant nothing to her, and stumbled into her nest, desperate for sleep.

When she woke up, midday light was streaming into the apprentice's den. She blinked blearily, her whole body aching from her training with Firbush. At least I gave him that nasty ear swipe. As her eyes adjusted to the den, she noticed Pebblepaw sitting forlornly at the back of the den, long scratches covering her body. As Darkpaw shifted in her nest, Pebblepaw looked at her, with round red eyes.

"I'm sorry!" She gasped, irritating as always. "I did-didn't mean it".

Darkpaw blinked in confusion at her denmate. Pebblepaw had clearly just been crying, and the once green moss around her was torn and red. Her breath was coming out in shallow rasps, as she turned her head uneasily to look directly at Darkpaw. Pebblepaw's paws trembled beneath her, as Pebblepaw turned away from Darkpaw, to continue staring forlornly at the den wall. Nothing new there, Darkpaw thought resentfully.

She turned as Thornpaw bustled into the den, holding a mash of different scented herbs. Frostbark poked his head into the den, eyes narrowed at Pebblepaw, then walked away. Thornpaw didn't look at her, eyes fixed on Pebblepaw as she applied the dressing. "What is going on?" Darkpaw snapped, feeling oddly scared.

Thornpaw blinked at her and sighed. "Just working. You can control that at least," she muttered half to herself, and padded towards Pebblepaw.

Darkpaw twitched her ears with uncertainty. She was suddenly painfully aware of the quiet, solemn mood outside the den, the way cats talked in quiet, hushed, fearful whispers.

"All is lost."

"-killed the fox?"

"Times like this, I wish I could slice..."

Darkpaw hesitated before bounding out of the apprentices den into the crisp morning light. Everything felt wrong. Cats were huddled in clusters, talking amongst themselves. She noted her mother, Lilacstorm, crouched in a ball, letting out high-pitched screeches of agony. Darkpaw turned in the direction of Troutstar's den, and then she saw it.

The thing that had gotten everyone on edge. The reason why Pebblepaw had been crying. The thing that had once been a cat she had loved, lying motionless and broken.

It was then that Darkpaw raced towards the shape, and collapsed into the grass, her breath ragged. Her thoughts swam as she buried herself into the bloodied hide of her brother. Black fur on black fur, she lay with him until her eyes closed, and she let sleep claim her.

"Huh. Thought you were tougher than that..."

Darkpaw rounded on the shape who had spoken to her. A tom lay in the shadows, flicking his tail to and fro as he looked at her. Darkpaw instantly bolted upright and addressed her surroundings.

She turned to the tom who had addressed him. "Who are you, and what foxdung do you want with me?"

He merely laughed at her, as though she was a kit tripping over her tail. "Nice to finally talk to you too, Darkie." He looked into what Darkpaw thought was empty space, and growled. "Get out." To Darkpaw, he mewed, "we'll talk again soon."

Darkpaw looked up to see Frostbark of all cats nudging her sharply. His ice-blue eyes were dark and stormy, and he grunted as he looked at Darkpaw. As he turned away, Darkpaw thought she heard him mutter under his breath. "And so the end has begun!"

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