Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

The mysterious cat dodged Darkthunder's blow just before she could land it, and rolled to the left. Darkthunder tumbled into a shadowy tree which seemed to transpire out of nowhere. She bit back a curse as she heaved herself to her paws, and a sharp blast of pain shot through her shoulder. How do I get out of here?! Darkthunder felt panic bubbling inside of her as the shadowy cat stared at her impassively.

Darkthunder tried to rear to charge at the shadowy figure, but instead she came face to face with Icefall. The pale grey she-cat looked almost crazed with fury as she leaped at Darkthunder with her claws outstretched. Darkthunder stumbled back a pace, slightly surprised by Icefall's fury.

"You're so much like her," Icefall's voice was raised in a high pitched screech. "So cocky. So arrogant. You both think you're so very clever."

She launched herself at Darkthunder, and the black she-cat had to fling herself away at the last moment, before Icefall's claws tore her to shreds. Panic mixed with pain from her injured shoulder blazed deep inside Darkthunder, and she whirled around to glower at Icefall, chin raised defiantly.

Icefall crouched low, as though preparing for an attack, and snarled at Darkthunder. Darkthunder narrowed her eyes to slits, trying to take in her shadowy forest surroundings. She noted the shadowy cat watching Icefall with serenity, whilst Brightshadow and Earthquake looked on almost curiously.

Darkthunder gazed coldly at Icefall. "You don't even know me," she retorted sharply.

Icefall's furious gaze turned to a more smug one. "I've seen you in ThunderClan, kit. The way you talk back to others, the way you hold grudges, even the way you move around camp is exactly the same as my daughter."

Darkthunder stared at her. Part of her wanted to laugh back at Icefall, wanted to attack her, just like Mightystar probably had. Instead, she took a sharp inhale of breath and turned to look at Icefall.

More than that, Darkthunder raised her gaze to all of the cats. To Brightshadow and Earthquake who'd started padding closer, and to the shadowy figure who sat, eyes unblinking, farther away from the fight.

"There is something that separates me from Mightystar," Darkthunder mewed calmly to all of the dead, vengeful spirits.

"And that is?" Icefall cocked her head to one side, still in an attack crouch.

"I'm going to fight to my last breath to make sure that cats like you don't get in charge of the world."

Darkthunder felt a sudden pull, a pull to go back, to fight for her life. Darkthunder closed her eyes, for just a moment. When she opened them again, she stared at all of the cats, but that was when she realised the mysterious cat had padded within a tail length of Darkthunder.

"Most of them are never going to trust you again. You'll always be alone." Their voice didn't trip with malice, or even disappointment, just deep certainty.

Darkthunder turned away from the cats. "Well," she huffed bitterly. "That's just the way it's going to be."

None of them tried to follow her as Darkthunder padded slowly away from them, into the gloom of the forest. She had no idea where she was going, all she knew was that she was leaving. I've done it... they know I'm not their pet anymore. Darkthunder held her head high, even amidst the gloom. She wasn't scared anymore, not of anything.

Before darkness entirely claimed Darkthunder's mind, though, she heard the strange cat's voice, as though from a great distance away. It was soft, and solemn.

"One day, they will come, and you will remember we offered you a forever home."

Darkthunder didn't believe them anymore, even as the words sent a shiver down her spine. They were empty words. She was done with lies, and she was done with waiting around while the bad guys grew in power. She was as ready as she'd ever be to destroy Mightystar.

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