Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Pebblepaw sat on the bank beside a small bubbling stream, her tail half submerged in the water. She was slumped down, every part of her, even her whiskers, drooping in exhaustion and unease. All of this, everything that was going on was way out of her comfort zone. If she thought the world had changed too much right after Nightpaw's death, the world must be entirely spinning out of control now. Except, there are things we can still control, right?

The stars glittered darkly overhead, casting long shadows over the forest as Pebblepaw sat, staring blankly ahead. A quarter moon, and StarClan, what are we even trying to do here?

Every day had flown by, exactly like the last, as the freed cats worked to stay alive; catching small morsels of prey, and gross two-leg food. As the days had passed by, the cats had grown more and more uneasy. There was no plan, no heroic leader. There was only a group of roughly treated cats, trying to survive together.

Pebblepaw's tail dropped even further into the water. But what did I expect? Every cat here is so different, and it's so hard to work together. Pebblepaw sat up suddenly, her ears twitching with apprehension as she scented a ThunderClan scent,


Pebblepaw instantly bolted upright. She'd been spotted. A shrill of fear rippled through her body, as she imagined what might happen next; ThunderClan warriors interrogating her, ripping her to shreds, or taking her hostage again. Instinctively, Pebblepaw unsheathed her claws and bared her teeth, bunching her muscles in anticipation of the find that would soon ensue.

"Don't get all hissy at me; I totally like helped you, remember?" Brown and ginger fur flashed in the corner of Pebblepaw's vision as Mossypaws of all cats stepped out of the bushes, with a rueful smile on her face

"Mossypaws!?" Pebblepaw exclaimed. Unease and anticipation rushed through her pelt. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

Mossypaws didn't snarl, didn't leap at her. Instead, the ThunderClan she-cat sat down. "Herbs. Also, pal, you're a mess."

When Pebblepaw didn't speak, Mossypaws went on. "I live here and gather herbs here," she offered. "So I've seen you and your buddies moping around tons. You look like you're trying and failing to be some wise old leader cat. It looks pretty rough, for lack of a better word."

Pebblepaw honestly had no clue what to say. She couldn't deny that Mossypaws was making some sense, and yet she didn't really want to show any vulnerability before this cat. "You've been stalking us," she meowed tiredly. "Have any of your friends been as well?"

Mossypaws let out what sounded like the grunt of a horse. Pebblepaw recognised it as laughter. Mossypaws almost started rolling on the ground with amusement at Pebblepaw's words. "Nope. No patrols venture this far. All cats are focussed on the RiverClam border right now." she meowed straightforwardly. Then added, "just good o'l Mossypaws doing her daily stalking."

Pebblepaw was beginning to sink to the ground now in relief, but Mossypaws suddenly bounded over the little stream and lay down beside Pebblepaw. "You need some help, Pebs," she meowed simply. "Even physically half dead in the Medicine Den, you had your spunk, now you seem mentally half dead."

Pebblepaw felt tears brimming in her eyes, but she tried to push them away. What does this ThunderClan apprentice know? "It's been... tiring, to say the least," she mewed evasively.

Mossypaws rolled her eyes. "Yeah. I figured," she grunted. "Look, I'll tell ya something to maybe cheer ya up."

Pebblepaw shifted her paw uneasily, and stood up straighter. She had to be brave for now. There was no time to show vulnerability. "Okay?" she said in a sceptical tone.

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