Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Darkkit was playing by herself outside the nursery, when suddenly a tiny kit, around her own age of one and a half moons, was brought into Riverclan camp. Her ribs were protruding, and it looked like the grey she-kit with beautiful lilac eyes hadn't eaten in days. The first thing, though, that Darkkit noticed about the mysterious new kit in camp was the thorny red flower that the kit held tightly in her jaws, refusing to let go, even though it was clearly hurting her.

The kit swung from the jaws of Snowflight. She deposited the kit at the entrance of the nursery. Gorsefern peeked his head out of the nursery, a questioning look on his face. Snowflight was trembling as she spoke, "I found this kit on our territory, Dad. Alone. Abandoned. Please don't tell Troutstar, I was the one who found her, Dad."

With that, the pure white she-cat was gone, bustling off, and out of camp. Gorsefern seemed to fluff up his fur as he looked down at the pitiful scrap of fur, who was staring at him with an odd look of confidence in her eyes. Darkkit was amazed that despite how bashed up the kit was, she still had a look of bravery and determination on her face.

Darkkit scuffled her paws, and walked closer to the mysterious kit, "that flower is hurting you," she said bluntly, "why you got it?"

The kit turned to her and deposited the flower to speak, but still held it protectively between her forepaws, "it's my fire flower," she said brightly, "m-my parents gave it to me before I lost them! I think it is a super ultra power flower!"

"Really?" Darkkit mewed, she thought of how this would help them beat Thunderclan. A flower to protect them would make them practically invincible!

"One day," the kit mewed, "I'll use the flower to find my parents, then everything will be right in the world."

Darkpaw saw the flash of fur on Thunderclan territory darting towards Min, and suddenly she was running. She pushed past Firbush and Snowflight and bolted towards the grey painted she-cat, just as Min let out an ear splitting screech. I'm not going to let you die! She would die first before any cat hurt her brother's best friend. Darkpaw raced past the Thunderclan border markers, wincing inwardly at the foul stench of Thunderclan, and raced towards Min.

Min was surrounded by half a dozen massive, muscular shapes, their eyes glittering with menace. One cat had Min pinned down, and had just raked one of his massive forepaws down her shoulder. Foxheart! What kind of full grown cat would attack an apprentice on her first day out of camp? She leaped towards him without hesitating.

She attempted to land a well aimed blow at his legs, to knock him off Min, but he saw her coming, and almost casually flicked her off her own paws. She expected the ring of Thunderclan cats to attack her, pin her down, rip her to shreds, but they stood still, watching the young tom. Luckily, She had given Min enough time to get to her paws, and out of the danger zone of the ginger and white Thunderclan tom.

"Thunderclan!" Darkpaw spat at the ring of cats, "what are you fox-hearts doing here? Her pelt bushed up, and she spat defiance at them, "I'll kill every single one of you before you hurt another one of my clanmates!"

"Huh," the tom who had been attacking Min said, then added smugly, "to even start doing that, kit you'll have to land a blow on me, and I'm the strongest apprentice in the forest."

Suddenly, claws dug into Darkpaw's shoulder fur, pulling her backwards painfully. I'll get you this time! She was about to lashed out wildly with her forepaws, when suddenly the shape gave her a hard shove backwards, and Darkpaw was stumbling backwards, she landed with a thud, her whole body jarred, her head smashed into a rock, and the world went dark.

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