All you need is time

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Melody came running into the room. She grabbed the pad. I'd been looking out the window. She wrote on it barely managing to stop jumping. Then she showed it to me "Guess what?" I pushed the thought away. "What?" In reply she held up her left hand. On it was an astounding ring.

"NO WAY!!!" I yelled. She nodded and I squealed. We both jumped up and down. Then we finally got ourselves together and I sat back on my window seat bed.

She started scribbling "Now we can have a double wedding." My confusion came back.

"What?" She wrote again.

"Double wedding. You and Issac and Me and Killian." I shook my head,"Isn't it a little early for that?" She looked at me.

"Not for me." She wrote.

"I'm only 18.... I'm not sure I'm ready. I-I- it's really complicated." She glared at me.

"After all the stuff you and Issac have gone through. After all these tests that your love has passed. You say you're not sure." She fiercely wrote. I closed my eyes and nodded. I heard her slam down the writing pad.

I opened them to blurring vision and my best friend folding her arms and glaring at me. "He promised me a year. Things might change." She shook her head still giving me the 'imma-kill-you' look.

She finally picked up the writing pad. "What is wrong with you?"

"I'm not sure. I feel like I could spend my whole life with him, but what if it's wrong? What if we aren't meant to be and I get stuck in a situation like marriage!"

She shook her head again. "Who could possible be unsure about someone they've went through stuff like that with." The tears were streaming. "He's twenty! He is 2 and a half years older than me! I'm young and naive! He has so many to pick from! I have so many to pick from! It's different when you are closer to the same age!"

Her look of anger melted and she saw my confusion. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a 'it'll-be-ok" look. Then there was a knocking at the door. I opened to see Issac there. Shaved and fresh hair cut. I smiled.

"Hello sweetie." He said.

"Hello handsome." I replied.

He held out his hand. "Would you care for a date." We were now using accents and playing it up. "Why of course I'd love a date! But first find me a suitable outfit." I was serious on the last part. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "Of course." Then he kissed me again. "Go get showered and there will be something waiting for you."

I hopped in the shower. Melody left to go spend time with Killian. When I got out there was a gorgeous orange dress. Just like the first but with long sleeves. I smiled to know he was thinking of me. There was a more that said "Be ready at 9:30."

I smiled loving how this was playing out. I braided my hair and at 9:30 a knock came at my door. And there stood Issac in a dark gray t shirt once again.

I smiled. I was so happy.

He held out his hand "Is the lady ready?" I took it,"Of course."

And we went to the roof an had a picnic of sandwiches and brownies. And it was beautiful. We were out there so long we fell asleep. I woke up and grabbed Issacs wrist looking for a watch which woke him up. "Issac it's one thirty!" He smiled still half asleep. "Good morning gorgeous."

I smiled. "Good night handsome," then ran to my room where Melody had written me a very, very, strict and motherly like letter and had fallen asleep. I crawled into my window seat bed and fell asleep. I woke up and melody threw me a device.

She wrote on a pad "Push Issac and it calls him." I smiled. That's great. "Thanks" then her name appeared and a little message "Also we can message each other long distances away." I looked at her "Sweet!" Then Katniss's name popped up. "Come too the kitchen, we are having a meeting."

Melody got the message at the same time. I ran out and into the kitchen. Issac smiled. He pulled me into a hug by the waist.

"I see you like the dress." I looked down realizing I was wearing the dress and slippers. Melody looked like she was gonna laugh. My hair probably looked fantastic to.

I curtsied. "I love it." Then I noticed everyone who was there. Killian, Melody(hand in hand) Katniss, Peeta(also hand in hand), Finnick and their daughter

We all sat. Me in middle of Melody and Issac. And for some reason I noticed across from Finnick who smiled at me. Katniss stood up "Welcome Mockingjays, to your first meeting."

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