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I was awoken by a loud but muffled bang from upstairs. My eyes strained, trying to find a light source around me, but it was pitch-black. For a second, I thought I went blind.

A creak startled me, and a beam of light grew from the ceiling. It revealed a descending stairwell and a small empty room. But the most sickening thing was the cuffs attached to my wrist and a hoop of metal in the wall.

A figure stepped down into the basement-like area. I backed up to the wall, slightly pulling on my restraint.

The man sighed, "Mon Amour, I'm sorry for all of this."

That voice was all too familiar. I gasped, "Levi?"

A sinking feeling sloshed in my chest. "Levi, what are you doing? What's happening?"

Levi shushed me as if I were a toddler. He then reached out to hold my face, but I swatted his hand away. Levi sighed again, his face showing slight annoyance from the reaction.

"And that is why you're down here." Levi scowled, dropping his hand to his side. "You need some training."

I felt like vomiting in pure disgust. "Are you insane? Let me go, or I swear I'll kill you."

Levi sat himself on the stairs, keeping a safe distance between me and him. He pondered to himself as his eyes scanned over me. It was like he was solving a puzzle.

"You need professional help. We broke up, get over it!" I growled.

Levi was unfazed. He shrugged, "I'll let you sit in the dark a bit longer until you can relax." He then stood and exited the small bunker area.

I yelled out my ex lover's name as the room went back to pitch-black once more. I regretted ever introducing myself to that snobbish sadist. If I hadn't been so desperate for money, I could've been with my friends. I could've been safe - starving, but safe.

I met Levi at a store in the uppity end of town. When the raven-haired man first introduced himself, I could smell the rich privilege in his cologne. I've always hated wealthy people. I often stared at their large houses as I walked home to my broken down trailer.

I wasn't a rude person though. I showed the well dressed man the same respect I would with anyone else. I left that store with Levi's number, but I didn't think I'd actually see Levi again.

I told my father, Girsha, about the interaction between me and Levi. He practically manipulated me into going after him, regardless if I liked him or not.

I reluctantly gave in. Levi and I were friends for a couple months. Levi was even kind enough to throw my nineteenth birthday. For a while, I thought he was a good friend. But eventually, he put moves on me, which his father told me to go along with.

We dated for a year, and Levi spoiled me and my parents. He even helped out Armin and his grandfather when money became tight for them. I played along no matter how uncomfortable I was. But the day Levi dropped to one knee was too much. Everything went down hill from there.

I disappeared for an entire week, no contact with anyone. But Levi still found me, and he didn't take rejection too kindly.


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